Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

Last I checked there are more than just elves and undead.

Nope. It is always you BElves that keep asking for stuff.


Just a coincidence then that everything you say lines up except when it comes to just owning your stance lol

You have a good one too. I’m sure I’ll see you in any other various elf thread commenting the usual.

I assume the man’ari questline is alliance only with alliance only rewards while it was a little odd that the darkfallen questline was playable by both factions and awarded more customization to the alliance than the horde.

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Elves have enough stuff, let Drae’s have their moment again.


A request doesn’t mean devs are gonna work on implementing said request immediately. Some of y’all exaggerate way too much. Ignore the thread. Make threads for your own requests that you want :man_shrugging:

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You want a San’layn skin and one already exists, but now you want to move the goal post to multiple skins? Go sit in your corner.


So other races can ask for stuff too, who’s stopping them.

Again, nobody’s stopping you from asking for stuff.
Mind your own business.

Nobody is taking away any of the skins Draenei will be getting.
Your complaint is irrelevant.

I didn’t move any goal post.

I made my own goal post. Maybe learn to read the opening thread properly?

Here, see the more word? It implies there is already an option, at least.
If you don’t want more, that’s your personal problem.

P.S. This is my corner though, i’ve created the thread. Go make your own thread for whatever you want if you don’t like it here.

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Forums aren’t your business lol. Welcome to the world of forums.


You saying that it’s BE’s asking for stuff.
Why is it your business for whatever else anyone asks?

Feeling so self-important? Are you the ask police?
Are there quotas for races you need to uphold?

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Telling you to stop being that youngest child that gets upset when their siblings gets something newer than them because someone else has something shiny and new and they are jealous.

Are you for real?
How am i jealous for anyone else getting anything?

I said that Draenei getting Eredar skins means there is no reason for BE’s to not be able to get San’layn skins.

I am not against any race getting anything.
You are the one against a race getting something now, maybe don’t be a hypocrite.

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I would bring up 3/4 of all elven races getting Darkfallen options, but it seems several people beat me to it. I’m not even sure what other vampire options they could give them; fangs? Bat noses and ears? Mascara? Giant wings that replace their cloak?

And if anything, san’layn would work better as their own race. People during BfA were suggesting that they be the undead allied race, and I was on board with that before it became obvious that allied races weren’t continuing past 8.3.

The eredar joining the Alliance are all cleansed of demonic corruption while felblood elves are, by definition, still corrupted, and are probably few in number or completely wiped out after the events of TBC. The draenei reuniting with their estranged kin is a symbol of them healing after the Legion’s end, the blood elves not reuniting with theirs is a symbol of them choosing not to follow Kael’thas’ path of self-destruction.

People really want to ignore the lack of fel scars on the new eredar options and believe that eredar now = felblood elves, fel/chaos orcs, Feltotem tauren, and felborne later, when the circumstances behind the first most likely shoot down the others, as much as I would’ve liked felborne.

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I’m sure you can google San’layn and vampires and see options there, or even check out the San’layn thread.

No I am against people using “since xxx got this, why can’t I get this” that is different than asking for something.


While I wouldn’t be against us getting more vampire/San’layn customizations for Blood Elves, I’d also be happy if they’d just separate the red eyes and the skintone so the red eyes can be used with any skintone.


That’s a logical argument to make, not sure what’s your problem with that.

If X can get Y, then Z can get W since they’re similar magnitude.

Draenei > Eredar
BE > San’layn

Nonsense based on creative bankruptcy and willful ignorance. This is stupid and I’ll tell you why:

It’s called writing. It’s called developing characters and stories over time. If the (arguably) most evil beings in the setting, who have butchered countless trillions of people as they consumed planets across the cosmos can be redeemed, then it’s absolutely idiotic to think they can’t do the same for the felblood.

Don’t believe me? Well, in Hearthstone’s alternate canon, the Felblood have joined the Illidari. So clearly, it’s not like Blizzard thinks they’re off-limits.

You can get some good vampire characters with the right transmogs. Like Gul’dan’s Regallia of Conquest or the Bloodmage set. Both can practically make you a San’layn.

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The red eyes should also unlock for DKs of all races, too, imho. Easy Blizzard win for two highly requested features.


Could we please stop dictating to others what they are allowed to wish for in this game and what not, especially when it comes to things that harm no one?
Seriously, what’s up with WoW players who constantly want to dictate others what they can and cannot wish for and in some cases even want to forbid everything?
Goodness gracious… live and let live.^^