Draenei getting Eredar skins... why can't Blood Elves get

because san’alyn arnt the same as blood elves. they just use there models

They actually are blood elves though, or were if you wanna get technical.

The San’layn (sometimes spelled in lowercase) are a sect of vampiric darkfallen elves in service to the Scourge. They are known for their guile and dark magic, particularly the manipulation of blood and shadow magic. They used to be among Kael’thas Sunstrider’s greatest followers, until they were raised into undeath by Arthas following Illidan Stormrage’s failed assault on the Frozen Throne.

Because when it involves elves I always assume the worse. Why we have the malestorm after all ;3


Blood Elves haven’t really gotten anything special, much like some other races

Blood Elves got some new hairstyles, ability to change ear length, new eyecolours, and then some jewelry that would never be seen.

They did not get the ability to get a scar that is seperated from choice of face, tattooes, warpaints, nor do they have the ability to choose mix and match different beard types.

I would say that Humans and Orcs (Not mag’har) were the ones winning customization things, tauren and Night Elves too to an extend, while other races got shafted.

Trolls, Zandalari, HMT and Nightborne received also quite a lot in comparison to other races.
Overall though, this game is very far behind when it comes to customization options (compared to other games).

I mean they are giving Night Elves even more customizations even after their plethora from Shadowlands.

When will Blood Elves get a true identity we dont share with the Void Elves?

we have a toxic circle going on. if void elves get anything, helfers get mad cause they want helf stuff. if helfers get anything, blood elves get mad cause they havent received very much and want belf stuff. if blood elves get anything everybody gets mad. lol sheesh

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Sun Elves. It’s too obvious not to do.

I mean I’d love for all 3 to get new options. I think the void aspect of void elves was completely forgotten for the helf options. Blood elves feel completely forgotten because anythinf we received so did the others. We’ve not got multiple unique fantasy tropes to play up in our customizations like: orcs, trolls, tauren, night elves, dwarves, and humans. They received so much work and can actually tell a story with their characters customizations whereas BE, VE, HE cannot.


You elves always want want want want.


We do though.

One of them they did sort of give in Dark Ranger.

But there’s also Farstrider, Phoenix based looks, Felblood and San’layn.

Plus a lot of races got ombre hair, more eye colors, scars, tattoos and even hair accessories.

Because the customization pass didn’t give Belves much.


Currently existing in our customizations, we do not. You get hair, eye, skin color. Then jewelry and hair style. The end.


Yeah it’s really disappointing. The possibilities are there. They just haven’t gone into it yet.


I agree we have so many possibilities but in our current customizations that we have available we don’t get to tell a story with ours like other races can and do.


They’re attached to a holy font, and keep exiling people who don’t fit their standard.

It’s so obvious what the theme is, but people are stuck in TBC for some reason.

They really just need to dump a bunch of stuff relating to the two themes (gothic / eldritch + holy / arcane pretty elf) at this point and tell us all to shut up.

And do it at the same time so we don’t deal with one side gloating over the over, or throwing a whine-fest somebody got something and it “doesn’t make sense” even though the themes are clear to anybody who isn’t stuck in 2009 and has a basic knowledge of worldbuilding.

Like, the constant headcanon stretches and demands for x and y group aren’t going to stop until it happens. And even then, elf players never shut up and want every little niche for their race covered even when it already is playable. (Aka: this thread.)

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I asked for what i want.
What’s your problem? Go and ask for what you want.

I’m not an elf player, i’m a player.
If my race were another one, i’d be asking for stuff regarding that race.

I want more vampire options, because that’s what i want to have for my main to mog into sometimes.
Do you know who gets more stuff? The people that ask, not the npc’s that don’t even think of asking.

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oh i disagree that its already playable. and here’s why:

  1. vampires (san’layn) are more than red eyes and pale skin.
  2. vampires have claws / long sharp finger nails and fangs.
  3. vampires can shapeshift,
  4. have skin in various states of decay
  5. are tall and elegant,
  6. range from beautiful to hideous
  7. and would need at least a racial involving life draining.

dark ranger+warlock is not enough to fulfill that. dks dont fulfill it either because they only have frosty eyes and none of the other features i mentioned.


They give the other classes all the varients because us blood elfs hog all the sexy.

Yeah, I said it.

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Races* because I got high…

In the interest of fairness, blood elf customization is also incredibly lacking. I’m not saying Kul Tirans don’t have issues and need help (they do). But, blood elf customization has been awful since day one because all they got with the customization pass was blue eyes, skin tones for POC (that everybody got) and 3 extra hair colors + some jewelry options. And the men didn’t even get that. Male blood elf customization is horrid.

Not to mention everything we got was grandfathered into void elves (other than the jewelry). Giving blood elf fel blood elf options would be good because it’d be something the void elves couldn’t also get. A little bit of racial diversity would be good.