Dracthyr wouldn't have happened if chris metzen were involved earlier

I like them, you can make the “earth nose” and make dracthyr look like sergals

Someone said that to me in another thread but the god button was pushed.

Leaves this right here… a relic from vanilla


Or, here me out…

We could have more Dracthyr being cute kissie dragons


Really? Because I spent a lot of time in BC dealing with Akama’s feelings, the Blood Elves’ feelings, Maiev’s feelings, the Draenei’s feelings, Garrosh’s feelings… I could probably go through every expansion of characters— shocking!— having feelings in the main storyline.

Let’s not forget the Blue Dragonflight in Wrath, the Tuskaar back then, the entire end scene of ICC, the entirety of Cata with Fandral and his daughter, Thrall…

Okay, I’ll stop now.


they still look cooler than what we got in df


I like what we got in df tho. I like my dragony dragons.

I made my dragon look like a bat.


I just want my lizard experiment to fly. :rage:


Guess who? Bleh… bleh bleh! lol

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This is like when them Star Wars nerds act like George Lucas would’ve delivered a good sequel as if jar jar binks, midichlorians and boba fett the clone weren’t all his ideas.


how many of those were filled with soppy saccharine nonsense like many of the stories in df are?

This bad bait just makes me want to log in and play my evokers.

Thanks for the motivation :+1:


Meh, idk exactly if metzen would’ve resulted in a different expansion but I really wish dragons flight was darker. It’s a bit too bright and cheery for me, and at times downright childish.

Chromie for example is an extremely childish character, to the point of being annoying. A millennia old dragon with the power to manipulate time, who has also been present for some of the most horrifying travesties Azeroth has ever seen… speaking with the voice of a 5 year old girl and running up to Nozdormu to hug his leg :roll_eyes: it really made me ask the question; How long does it take for Bronze Dragons to actually grow up? Because if I didn’t know better i would think Chromie is literally a child.

It feels like blizzard lost their teeth when it comes to writing. They’re playing it soft and safe

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I heard he was a sith lord… is that true? I have very little knowledge of starwars lore but that sounds like a fun theory.

Hold on a minute… what kind of stories are you insinuating here?

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Me here with 8 minutes without a response

Alrighty then.


“I don’t have confidence in my own opinion so I’m going to claim a person I’m not even friends with will react a certain way to make me sound better”


What the heck does that even mean? Is this some sort of diet beverage? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Eh I am not so sure about that. Dracthyr look way cooler than Drakonids.


Excessively sweet or sentimental… apparently. That’s what google says anyway.

Playable Man’ari probably wouldn’t either. Yet here you stand on a Man’ari paladin.


…That being said though, Drakonid would’ve been :100: times better than Dracthyr. I would’ve loved playing Drakonid, given all their all lore & such. :grin:

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