Dracthyr Red Flags

This is paranoia. This never actually happens.

People try the new class in the prepatch then just log back into their main for the expansion. That’s how it always goes.

What bother me the most is they only wear mail and its the worse looking type of armor in the game. I wish i could transmog clother and leather too at least

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Yet another silly limitation in the game tbh. I don’t understand why transmog can’t just be totally open. Let people look how they wanna look.

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As a RP’er, it’s not.

See, one could easily have the story that their character just hasn’t had any part of any major events in the last few years or what have you. That’s not hard to write in the slightest. Wanting to build a character that has had these grounding experiences, that has a foundation upon which personality and flaws can be shaped, is difficult when all you have is, “I never experienced any of it.”

Like I said before, if you wanted to play a Blue Dracthyr that had something to do during the Nexus War… oh well! Too bad, you can’t, because you weren’t around for that.

It’s even less of an issue because DEs start on the Dragon Isles with a unique starting zone.

Just be a bronze dragon and RP you went back in time and do whatever it is you wanted to do. Not really hard.

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Of course we have that, but there is a difference between a spitting alcohol to light, and shooting a frikken laser beam out of your mouth.

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Ok, but saying “I want to play a Blue Dracthyr that was part of the Nexus War” is like saying “I want to play an Orc that was part of the Alliance of Lordaeron”

You can’t do that already anyway.

I’m sure the Dragon Isles will have more than enough lore and history to create an awesome backstory.


People have already said that the compromise here is to obviously just have the abilities like that be like demon hunter. They quickly transform and use it and revert back. It can work well.


To pull this off reasonably would require the ability to look as non-draconic as possible in humanoid form, to blend in with other races. Unfortunately, as they seem to look like Half-Elves, even that is super limiting in its own way. But, could you imagine some horned, scaled, lizard-eyed part-human walking up to Varian some years ago and not getting stomped into the dirt by the Stormwind Royal Guards first?

I’d like to know why Blood Elves are male Drakthyr, but females are humans…? Feels like an intentional double standard to be completely honest and is gonna be a forum hot topic for a while I fear.

One is infinitely more plausible than the other, and not written in stone that you can’t do that.

Could work. I still wanna see it though.

I didn’t like it at first but the more I think about I feel it makes sense that dragons would be their own thing rather than choose to just be a mage or a shaman or something. These things are an amalgamation of dragon and mortal with the ability to use all of the different flights magic to create something new. Dragons… tend to view themselves as superior to the newer mortal races. I dunno it makes sense. Why would they just be a mage when they can do that and much more “naturally”.

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For a RP stand point you were born 10000 year ago on this island and was stuck there by the storm. Or either you just hatched after 10000 year and you a new born blue dragonflight who start adult like wrathion

While I’m cautiously optimistic because from the sound of it they’re still in alpha and don’t even have a release date yet.

I sincerely hope they loosen way wayyy up on Dracthyr restrictions, that model needs much more work as well.

There’s nothing exciting about being restricted to one class and one race, at that point it feels more like a gimmick than an actual addition to the game.

And if that’s the only “new” thing we’re gonna get and they’re not gonna add more customizations or relax our current class/race restrictions then I don’t really feel like we’re really “getting” anything that any new WoW expansion hasn’t already.

This game needs less restrictions, not more Blizz, time to prove your “listening to feedback” quote.


Thats how all my character are tough XD.

I like to create them RP and transmog based. So they only fit 1 role. So to me it doesnt really change anything

MOCKERY: it shouldnt have been given a humanoid form for this exact reason and was only given one cause Blizzard knew you Elf/Human players would be crying for this.


Just make your own story. Who says your character wasn’t crafty enough to escape the isles and blend in among the mortal races?

EDIT: Also, I’m not sure of the validity, but I read earlier that Dracthyr can fight both in and out of dragon form

Counter: Dragons have always been shown to have a humanoid form, and thus including a dragon race without one, would have always been a failure among the players.

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