Dracthyr Red Flags

I speak for no one other than myself.

Right now, the new race has a number of red flags that are keeping me from feeling any actual interest in them. In no particular order, I wish to share them, providing feedback on what they are, and what can be done to correct them.

I acknowledge that as of this moment we know so little about the Dracthyr that any or even all of my concerns may be warrantless, but that in and of itself is a red flag as well; more should have been explained.

The Worgen Concern

Like Worgen, Dracthyr appear to have two separate forms to customize. In their race, one of these forms is more draconic, and the other is more humanoid. The red flag that’s been raised here is the concern that one is forced to fight in their draconic form in battle. While there is some logic in this, there is a simple truth I wish to impart to Blizzard right now.

Giving your players as much creative freedom as possible with their game avatars will always be a big win for you.

The solution here is simple: state that the Dracthyr can choose which form to fight in. If you really want them to use that draconic form, link a bonus to damage/healing to it, to incentivize players to do so, but do not force them to do something they do not want to do.

Meeting Expectations with Existing Examples

Right now, we have no images of Dracthyr with minimal draconic options on their humanoid forms. As this is the dragon race players have been waiting ages for, it is of vital importance to think of how your players have been perceiving dragons for years and years. When we think of dragons and a humanoid form, our examples are Alexstraza, Ysera, Nozdormu, Kalecgos, Chromie, Wrathion, Deathwing, etc… in these cases, we see a few with some draconic features, but for most, they can look virtually indistinguishable from mortal races. It is important to let players know they can blend in as much or as little with other races as possible.

Giving your players as much creative freedom as possible with their game avatars will always be a big win for you.

The solution to this is simple: let your players know that you intend to respect what you have given us for years, while expanding in new directions and giving us the opportunity to embrace that as well. Letting players know they’re not locked to looking like rip-off Au Ra from FFXIV, would go a long way to alleviating this concern.

Class Restrictions

You’re introducing a new class, and the Dracthyr alone can be that class. Well, there is a lore reason why, so while this may be an unpopular choice, its understandable. What isn’t understandable, is why you’re releasing the Dracthyr with ONLY this class. There is absolutely no reason Dracthyr could not be other classes, particularly some classes which have heavy ties to dragons as is (Druids, Mages, and Shamans). Restricting this new race to one class, is going to be disastrous, because that class is either going to be OP, or underwhelming, and there WON’T be another other classes for players to use on that race.

Giving your players as much creative freedom as possible with their game avatars will always be a big win for you.

The solution is simple: walk back the decision to limit them to just Evokers. Release a statement to the effect of, after having gathered feedback from the community, while the ideal should be a Dracthyr Evoker, that alone does not make for a proper selection of possibilities, and you’ll be expanding it to other classes as make sense for the race.

Their Lore

The Dracthyr were created by Neltharion, AKA Deathwing, and seem to have been sealed on the Dragon Isles all this time. This is some INCREDIBLY limiting lore for your RP’ers. If you’re adding a race that could not have feasibly been a part of ANY of the game’s content, then you should be rethinking that race’s background and story. This race would have been sealed away for the events of Vanilla, BC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA, and Shadowlands. MOST of your game does not make sense for this race to play through. Playing this race through MOST of your game will be immersion breaking, and your players will never feel as if their Dracthyr characters could have had a legitimate part in any of the events that they’ve played up to that point.

Giving your players as much creative freedom as possible with their game avatars will always be a big win for you.

Completely overhaul the lore on this race, immediately. Just throw what you’ve got out entirely, and write the lore in a way that makes it feasible for them to have been around and active in every major modern event. Let the players know that when they’re a Dracthyr going through Outland, they actually BELONG there, and aren’t some kind of temporal anomaly that should be shredding the space-time continuum.

To summarize, I wish state once again the one thing I personally feel is paramount here.

Giving your players as much creative freedom as possible with their game avatars will always be a big win for you.

Change the Dracthyr, now, and let the players know. Thank you, and good night.


A well written post, on this point though, how would that be any different than a Vulpera playing any expansion content prior to BFA?


If people want to play another race, they should just play another race. It’s not complicated.

Next, we’ll want a warlock that summons light elementals.


Unfortunately, it isn’t. The same holds true for Nightborne. At the very least, however, a Vulpera belongs on Azeroth. We’ve seen Vulpera pirates. It might feel strange to be one through Cata or MoP content, but not necessarily out of place considering they’re nomadic.

Nightborne have it worse since they were trapped under their dome for 10,000 years.

That sounds completely liberating. You get to be whatever you want!


The more red flag a person has the more people want to date them. So im guessing its a good thing XD

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No, you can only be a Dracthyr that has been on the Dragon Isles forever. Your backstory cannot include any recent events. You’re a blue Dracthyr with a lot of connection to the Blue Flight? Sure sucks that you missed the Nexus War, or can never have canonically had anything to do with the Tarecgos Legendary Staff, or a slew of other Dragon-related content.

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Excellent points and 100% agree with all but the final one.

About the origins issue- players can head-canon their way out of this. The dragons are using all the flight’s powers, so they’re probably going to be more like chromatic than anything, but you could pick green skin color, go healing spec and pick the green talents to emphasize that RP if you like.

We should wait for more info before coming to conclusions, but also give our feedback as early as possible.


lol, might I remind you of all the other backstories of races introduced afterward the game moved on?

They’re all temporal anomalies.


I’m imagining them breathing fire in their non dragon forms, and just lmao.

Let’s do this!

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I don’t care that Evoker is a race-specific class for them tbh.

It does bother me that if you are Dracthyr you must be Evoker. Seems really silly tbh.

And I hate that we can’t class change our characters. Forced to restart to play the new dragons and then forced to restart if you want a different class thereafter. It’s lame thru and thru.

I would rather have had a new class that any race could be than this tbh. Unpopular opinion I’m sure. I am a filthy casua judge me as you will :slight_smile:


Well they said they will have their own starter to they start after shadowland. And if you want to do any old content. well its via time magic aka chromie like any other new character you create.

My only concern is the undead. Seem they forgoten we killed the val,kyr in 9.1 so they kinda need a new opening quest too if you want to apply the same rule of starting in the same timeline

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I don’t disagree. I just think this sort of thing needs to stop. Nightborne might have it worse than any other race. Pandaren have been known to randomly wander around, so despite being added in MoP they work fine. Goblins were always there, and Worgen were introduced with a world revamp that helped make them fit better (and they could always turn into actual humans, which also helped).

It was when we hit Allied Races this problem became egregious.

You’ve seen brewmasters, right? The breath and roar animations already exists for all races.
Just have them turn dragon DH-style for a moment to do deep breath and stuff.

You won’t need to class-change, as a new evoker will start right at the level your current character is. Just pick up from there.

This would be nice.

I won’t speak on the lore for them just yet, because we know very little.

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I know that.

I still hate that we can’t class change our characters. You have to start all over anytime you wanna try a new class.

Even if “that’s just how it is” it’s still something about the game I dislike.

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This would be the answer if the class wasn’t tied to one race. The problem is an entire new form of play and abilities is being restricted to one race out of the whole game.

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This seems like an RP’ers dream actually. You aren’t bound by any existing lore except that your character has spent the last X amount of years on the Dragon Isles. Once we get to know more about the lore of the areas the possibilities are endless.

I think you’re looking at this one the totally wrong way.

And then what happens when everyone is playing that race because it’s cool and the class is OP? Will raid/mythic groups be ok with everyone being Evoker? Doubtful.

This is incredibly limiting gameplay for no reason.