Dracthyr Racials, Please stop watering them down!

“Tail Swipe” has been removed as a dracthyr racial.

This is a terrible idea. Why would a DRAGON suddenly not be able to use it’s tail just because it can’t do the magic the Evokers can?

Please reverse this. Putting it and the wing buffet on an extended timer was perfectly fine. It wasn’t unfair, any more than trolls and orcs getting better DPS racials.

If you keep bending over backwards for all the people screeching that their favorite race is no longer the best, Dracthyr is going to be so watered down it’ll be nothing more than a cosmetic effect with no benefits or bonuses like the other races do get to have.


Honestly, id rather have them lose wing buffett instead. itll be more annoying when mobs get knocked back randomly


Knockback more fun. Dont take this from me

Um guys, why not just have them share a CD like goblin racials…


Perfectly justified. They have way too much going for them. Sharing CD would have been fine too, but this works just as well. Dracthyr were too stacked for racials.

As someone who believes Dracthyr are too stacked, I think removing this is excessive. Both existing and sharing a cool down on a 1.5 minute cooldown would’ve been fine.

No in combat/instanced glide.


No glide needs to stay. It’s absolutely insane to take that away too. Might as well not even have a dracthyr if that is taken away as well.




Nah, we’re keeping those.


This is absolute nonsense.

I knew this was going to be a bad idea and a waste of dev effort only to result in dracs getting gutted in the process.

We could have gotten a tank spec for evo but no, instead we get to lose racials to protect the feelings of mediocre pvpers.


The fact the racial CD was increased while also removing one from all other classes is ridiculous. You remove a knockup from the race and give us a knock back on a 3 min cd. Kul Tirans also get a knock back that sends people FLYING, wing buffet isn’t nearly as hard of a push, so essentially the dragon race will get a watered down version of KT knuckle sandwich, awesome…the 3 min cd was enough, and Evokers still get the ability to have enhanced versions with talents. If you remove tail swipe from all other classes, then make them 1.5 min again. Oh, and DO NOT touch glide, Demon Hunters get it AND a double jump, dracthyr just getting a glide isn’t bad.

Makes little sense for a dragon to forget how to use their tail or wings all because they picked up a weapon or read a book.


Removing Tail Swipe for Dracthyr is a bad idea.

I like the idea of Tail Swipe+Wing Buffet having a shared cooldown for non-evokers, though.


The infuriating thing is that they’re adding classes for players who might be interested in playing a draconic race on other classes than evo and then gutting the racials to the point where you’re getting less and less of the racial fantasy (which is already 75% gone without evo).

At some point it just becomes wasted development to add a thing that will be made unpopular if they gut the racial fantasy.

Absolutely not either

I will literally not shut up if I have to be forced to take mounts in dungeons where I could just glide just to go down shafts.

They were already doubling the CDs


Personally I think Evoker should maintain all of it, because it was introduced with the class and is part of the kit that Evokers played with for 2 years. For non-evokers though I just don’t think that “race fantasy” is enough to justify how much more powerful dracthyr was than any other race. It has to be toned down for non-evoker classes who are designed with completely different strengths and weaknesses.

I don’t care if you glide down a shaft, what you do in your free time is your business. I’m all for a scaly warrior or priest slow falling down a shaft and taking a mount like the rest of the plebeian races do though.

This is my biggest problem with this change. Our racials weren’t OP, it was totally fine keeping the longer cooldown, maybe putting them on a shared CD too. Can’t tail swipe? Can’t glide? Can’t wing buffet? Doesn’t feel like playing as a dragon at that point.


They’re still winged, draconic priests and warriors, and the brouhaha over glide is complete nonsense and sour grapes.


That’s too obvious. It needs to be more complicated than that. Make a talent tree for Dracthyr racials.


Really? Your entire fantasy for dracthyr is a tail swipe less than 1 second animation that most dracthyr will never see because they are in visage form anyways cuz dragon is ugly?

Where did I say that. People have been continually begging to gut the race, this is just part of it.

Yeah, they really should revert this, it just doesn’t make any sense. If they absolutely want to limit CC options for Dracthyr, all they should do is what some have suggested and just make them share a cooldown and make it 2min instead of 3min.

Night Elf, Dwarf and Dark Iron Dwarf have had pretty op racials for some time now, so it’s not very fair that they are doing this unless they also intend on tuning others as well.

The only thing that is absolutely non-negotiable is Glide. If they change it, then 90% of the appeal of being a Dracthyr is suddenly gone.