Dracthyr Racials, Please stop watering them down!

Personally just so the people who are crying rivers will be appeased a little, the 3 min shared CD idea is fine in my opinion. My biggest thing is people screeching to change Glide of all things, because it’s “OP”.

Maybe give a passive for Evokers that removes the restriction and reduces the CD to 2 min. Just so they keep their powerful dragon fantasy.


I’d honestly be a fan of applying some bonuses to the rest of the races instead. It’s a bit past time for this anyhow. Dracthyr are awesome and should be baseline.

If they take away Glide there is no reason why I’d play one.

These racials may have mechanics, but they are also core to the what it is to be a dragon.

I know some people are using a macro to get a minor speed boost with glide, but they can just disable macros for the ability to solve that problem.

Having tail swipe and wing buffet on a shared cooldown is an idea.

But yeah, they really need to stop pruning and start thinking about how to keep them in a way that is balanced.