Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

Plzz Blizz give us scalies with booba

Dragons in lore have only really ever taken the form of humans and elves.

There’s a few outliers here and there like Chromie and Ebonhorn, but in general it’s just humans and elves.

Though I question humans because the Dracthyr were made 10,000 years ago - humans back then were still new and probably more Vrykul than human.

But yes, having females locked to humans makes me pretty much guaranteed my first dracthyr will be my first male toon I regularly play.

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Which is one reason so many people both on MMO-C and WoWhead are actively questioning their intentions and motives for such an odd prohibition. It would be kind of strange to claim to support gender equality, yet make what amounts to Male Elf Eye-candy, and then tell the women:

“You? You do not get that. You will NEVER get that. You are not ALLOWED to look pretty.”

You might mention this in the Community Council so they can see a lot of people are irritated, and we need them to come out and tell players if these fears are justified or non-issues because more visage customization such as female elf / male human are coming.

I mean if you think what I’ve said is untoward, you should ought to see what other people on Reddit and other similar sites are saying about it. …Suffice it to say it’s far less kind than what I’ve written and far more uhh… colorful.

The weird thing is I don’t think they are coming.

Because if you look at what we’ve seen - the females are elves… they just use the female human model and skeleton. But their ears are pointy.

In essence, they created a new race that uses two different races skeletons/models for the genders, and a third race (Worgen) for the dragon form. It’s, to be blunt, kinda stupid.

If they wanted them to be elves? Great. Use the same race for both forms. I get the idea is Humans are the most popular on Alliance and BE the Horde, but it’s offputting.

Yeah, and I feel that way too because all Blizzard has ever achieved is “This is good. But it COULD of been great.” Why? Because they don’t ever go that final mile. And then we have people who are trying to defend it.

Imagine how angry said people would be if the men were intentionally over bulky and the women the reverse? There would be Wrathion fanboys foaming at the mouth with rage and hate and so on. You’d hear claims of transphobia, and all sorts of other nonsense; prolly trotted out by the usual committee no less.

But as long as their not impacted, they are cool with controlling everyone else and claiming “Oh lore doesn’t allow it. These aren’t aspects…” And so on and so forth.

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I kinda like the androgynous way they look. I certainly don’t ever want breasts to go anywhere near their dragonkin forms. I don’t really want more traditionally masculine, either. Although they are adding a more muscled version for player choice. I won’t use it, but it’s cool that they’re giving people that option.


considering the dragon form is just female havoc DH meta form i dont see why they cant add an option that uses the male DH form aswell.

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I’m confused. What is not pretty about the female visage options? They look lovely to me, except they need to fix the perma duck lips.


OP, you should listen to Valynx. They’re from Moon Guard, which means they’re an expert in this sort of risk assessment.

A lot of people think that pretty means sexually attractive.

Sounds like one of our regular blood elf players who hates on the Alliance-models, to be honest.


As far as lizards go as reptiles I think they should look similar other then maybe one being more colorful.

Mammals have differences in genders not really reptiles. Does not make sense. I say they are fine as is.


Misread the post, ignore the reply but I have some thoughts after reading these threads.

“Make it more female”. This is what got me.

I understand the argument that they need a beefier version, because to me the model we’ve seen is pretty. I just don’t read a sleek, wide thighed, and curved hip figure as anything but athletic and feminine. The “make them more distinctly female” caught me by surprise.


A lot of people also feel like there should be more choices. Why is it always about sex with you people? It is not rocket science. If you give men the Blood Elf model? You should give it to the women too. You give women the human model, you should give it to the men too.

Those of us who prefer a more fair-minded approach to game-design will of course take issue with such inequalities, and will remind them time and again that what they are really saying, is the same thing that old Blizzard said and did.

The faces changed, but the problems did not. Women are unimportant. Men’s desires (and this is regardless of what desires and preferences those are), are all that ever have mattered to them. But in all other aspects, women are a secondary concern.

So no. They should do the right thing and offer equal options to all Drakthyr players.

That is all anyone has ever asked for, and it’s not incorrect to ask for it.

I actually wish they’d let you choose any race to be your humanoid form since dragons are known to be able to shapeshift into any mortal race of their choosing. I’m honestly not a fan of the hybrid lab experiment looking things with paint on scales.


I think they should be able to be any race as well.
More options is better.

Dracthyr need to hit the gym before the next expac is out. Their twinkly look was highly off-putting/offensive.


I am actually pretty all-for the ability to choose your character’s pronouns, divorced from their model. And I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but as an asexual person anytime an allosexual says they want something “more pretty,” it’s been my experience that they’re trying to code for sexual attraction. You might be an exception, but I’ve yet to see that rule disproved.

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i can disprove it.

  1. symmetry is visually pleasing. examples: symmetry in flower petals, symmetry in interior design, symmetrical facial features. this is because homosapiens sapiens views 3d reality with binocular vision. all the structures of the brain support this, so the more symmetrical an object is, the less strain on the brain, the more visually soothing. thus, supermodels tend to have nearly symmetrical faces.

  1. i’m old and not interested in sex, but i appreciate symmetry.

Sounds like your just grasping for reasons to justify inequality to me.

If you give Player A something, you give the same to Player B also.

You don’t give them something different and say “Be glad for it.” This would be like giving Males the Blood Elf Visage Dragonified and then giving Females the Dwarf Visage Dragonified and then saying. “There you go.”

If you can’t see the problem your intentionally ignoring it or engaging in whataboutisms.

Same thing here. Just a lot more more obvious since now we have a scenario where instead of sexualizing women, the individual in question is sexualizing men, and yet in the same breath telling all women they are NOT allowed to have the same. Which is quite ironically the same thing Blizzard always has had a issue with. Treating women unequally and considering them an afterthought.

This is why I said from the start “this isn’t about sex” or attraction. It’s about equality, pure and simple. A person’s sexuality or what they are attracted to is NOT a factor here, and isn’t the issue.

The issue is giving a popular model to males, and then giving a subpar one to women as an afterthought. Whether the reasoning was because you are attracted to men, because you wanted to stick it to the straight cisgender crowd in a petty kind of way, or simple oversight and error it’s still an issue.

If this was not the intention? Great!

Give men the human male visage and females the female elf visage, in addition to the visages you already showcased. There the problem is solved. No? You won’t? Alright.

Explain to us then the all important ‘why’. What’s your real reason then?

See in a situation like this, you are either willing to champion equality or you are against it and both a hypocrite and supremacist. There is no middle ground with something that fundamental.

Anyone who can’t see that, and won’t fight for it even when it does not directly impact them; honestly speaking never wanted equality to start. Rather what they wanted were perks and benefits given at the detiment of others, simply for being a part of whatever special group is at that given moment in history in the limelight.

/The End

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