Dracthyr needs masculine and feminine dragon form

The current form already looks very feminine. They should offer a bulky option for those that want it. And a melee spec.


Reminder: Male Human Vestige and Female Elf Vestige need to be a thing as well.

Kalec and Tyrigosa want their representation too.

Correct and because they are terrified of being reminded of it, they want to stop Musk from buying Twitter; because that would take the muffler and gag-order off the majority they have tried to shut down, but only pissed off even more.

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I still wish the fan edits for the female kul’tirans would have been added in as options. They looked sweet. Bit more of an Overwatch/Zarya vibe.

I loved Zarya aside from her kind of overly flashy hairstyle, but her skins made her perfect. It’s just too bad that Kul’tirans are a dead end race because they chose the Amy Schumer look instead of what people actually wanted (Zarya, Vrykul off-shoot, etc.)

Just hazarding a guess here, but the breasts are a good indication…



There are clear male and female dragonspawn. There’s no reason why Drakthyr have to be twiggy, androgynous humanoids. Leave that as an option and add more choices for those who would prefer a more muscular shape.

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Yep, it’s weird too. The male kultiran looks a LOT older than the female version.
The fan edit had faces that were more vrykul-like which also made them more mature looking.

Would have made for some nice options.


What gets me about female kul tirans is that they made them so big with the smallest butt I have ever seen. It’s so flat!!


Bodyslider is a bad word that we don’t use here, so we’ll never get real options. That and the way Blizzard piecemeals gear together to fit on anything not baseline Human means this would just add more work for them so they won’t do it.

It’s a lizard. Not a mammal.

I dunno how well sliders would work.
They could easily just go the swtor route and allow a few body variations.
Think they’ve got 3.
It’d be like Kultiran males having that skinny forsaken based body type, the regular human body, and then the big burly strong man one.

Well, I take that back, Simaia did do a little work showing scaling of animation bones and showing how it could affect the model. She made fuller female blood elves and a Vrykul using the existing kultiran male model. Shrank the belly and slapped a big beard on it, looked great.

Yeah, those people definitely exist and aren’t a psychological construct to protect y’all ego.

For sure.


Just for a small crowd

Most people prefer the natural way


I think you mean most people don’t care and let people just be.

The urge to control how people act in the personal life or how they present themselves is relegated to a minority. The rest of us just like watching y’all squirm.


Hey, all this whining was about nothing after all lol.


which one is female?
see gender neutrality isnt about being sexless, its about removing females from the public square.

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Are you talking to me?

yeah, if you say the one with the waistline is female, does that mean males dont have waistlines?

Since they’re dragons, I imagine the one with no crest or the smallest crest.

They’re purely expressive, so you get to decide.


Not planning on playing the race, but I don’t see the issue with having more than one body type in general. Why can’t all races have more than one body type? Something similar to ESO would be cool. They have body sliders. Or even just like 4 different presets could be cool. No reason to not have a jacked gnome or chunky blood elf lmao.

cool :slight_smile: i was just in the middle of linking this

but in particular:

Greg Burke : So regardless of how the new race looks, will we be able to play our mage-like abilities in and out of human and Draco form, or are we going to be permanently stuck in Draco form when we’re in combat?

Tina Wang : You are all going to be in Dracthyr form when you are in combat. Yes. But let me talk about the Dracthyr and their customizations. There is more customization than what you saw in the video. there’s actually so many ways that you can customize that Dracthyr. Even the shape of the face. You can have, like these snouts that can look more ancient, or more sleek, or like a more blunt.

You can even slightly change your torso to be like slightly more slender or slightly bulkier; and the armor that you wear is a type of armor that you will be able to customize at the Barbershop, too. So Dracthyr, I think they’ll also be able to wear shoulders, tabards, belts across their visage and Dracthyr form. While the visage form is able to wear all-armor