Dracthyr, NEED more Classes

I love that Idea, It would make great prepatch content for 11.

And I totally get why people want to play their favorite class on the new race. I’ve been a druid main and it’s been one of the most race restricted classes for a long time.

But I also want the devs to have room to try this new intertwined class/race combo idea without a million players backseating the idea into oblivion.

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Yeah, I get that for sure. My favourite classes have typically been spread amongst my two favourite races (though there is the specific combo of a worgen monk that I’ve wanted for ages that still doesn’t exist.)

Reptilian races are always my favourite in every game that offers them, which is why I’m so excited for these fellows and the potential for them to get more classes later down the line! Ion specifically saying as much and giving an example of how they may go about it and saying that it was “definitely possible” really made me happy.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to trying evoker too! I’ll just have to keep my tanks and mage as another race until they have additional classes. :slight_smile:

Honestly at this point I’m just talking about it for fun, and in the hope that when/if they do add new classes they do something cool, like I was talking about.


What is your reasoning behind that though? You keep saying add new classes and saying they should be able to do specific ones… but what is the reason behind it. I don’t think they need other classes… DH can only be an Elf, that’s not an issue.

See, elves can be Demon Hunters, but they can also be other things!

The problem is that while Dracthyr are the only ones that can be evoker (which is fine) they can’t be anything else, unlike the DH example.

So, if your favourite race is a blood elf, you can tank and dps on a Demon Hunter and heal on a priest while still playing a blood elf.

Dracthyr cannot do that. If dracthyr are your favourite race and you want to tank, you’re out of luck without the addition of other classes since evokers cannot tank.

That’s the issue we’re discussing, really.


Again lol, as of now Dracthyr can only be Evokers and Evokers can only be Dracthyr so regardless of what you want the fact of the matter is that as of launch there will be no Dracthyr melee class. In the future could there be? Ya maybe. Will there be one from launch? no.


It was an example of limited race choice for class… stop trying to make it more than what it is. Evoker only being Drac is fine with me. Why do we need to make a race that’s never been off the island be something that the world knows? Like Mages, I think it’s a fine setup and ppl will get over it eventually.

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They’re not comparable. The issue isn’t with the class, which is all DH is relevant to.

If you don’t see it as an issue (or outright disagree) then say that but don’t make false equivalencies and use them as an argument. haha

Did I say they would? No, I didn’t. I hope they will be but I don’t expect it at all. lol

Ion said it was definitely possible later, but not currently planned for launch. I can live with that.

That doesn’t mean we aren’t going to keep talking about it. haha

I stopped reading after that. They are very much comparable. You don’t see it because you just can’t imagine yourself being wrong (which is weird because this topic is subjective). I’m over people not having the intelligence to grasp basic comparisons and concepts.

I’m not trying to prove anybody right or wrong. I’m saying your argument is a bit flawed.

You’re the one with the apparent grievance, friendo. I’m trying to have a friendly discussion. haha

Also, you really ought to read the whole comment. It’s disrespectful not to and you’re not going to properly follow the conversation without doing so.

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Your argument is bad.

See, I can both do it… so instead of discussing it with me, you go and say it’s not comparable… that’s not an argument, you made no point and think my point is bad.

Bad point > No point.

I elaborated after the first sentence if you’d read the thing. haha

One is a CLASS that is tied to a race with other options. The other is a RACE with no options. That is my point.

Race =/= class. Not hard.


Really? I didn’t know… apparently you can’t comprehend what was said, you instead make it out to be what you want me to say because you lack any valid points.

Bring up something, I decided to be nice to someone like yourself… even after your little edit. I don’t care if you elaborated… you shut your mind to any thought that differs from your own.

With that being said, welcome to ignore, patience ain’t there for the closed minded.

Well, that escalated quickly. haha


All races have class restrictions. This one is just uniquely restricted.

It’s a cool idea, and we should let the dev team run with the idea.


Everyone seems to be happy that the class has a ranged DPS option, but from what I’ve seen it’s basically a Mage. I think most people who were asking for another ranged DPS wanted one that didn’t use magic; one that was closer to a Hunter. We have plenty of magic users as it is. We thought the expac was adding a Tinker, which would have been perfect for a ranged, non-magical DPS, but I guess that, “four micro-classes” thing isn’t going to happen.

Another thing: these guys are humanoid dragons. They aren’t the kind of dragon you see in any of the Aspects, Onyxia, or Sindragosa. The Dracthyr aren’t physically limited to dragon stuff. They can pick up a sword, draw a bow, and wield a staff because they have apposable thumbs. As such, them being dragons is no excuse to limit their class options. However, the blue post states they’re limited for lore reasons, reasons that make sense for now. I fully expect them to be capable of being many other classes once they’ve acclimated to the new world.

I disagree. The idea doesn’t add anything, although for now they certainly have logical lore reasons to keep it restricted. However, that lore won’t hold up to scrutiny over time, and they have already claimed they’re adding classes later. If they can add them later, then they can add them now. They just have to write a reason to have them now, same as they wrote a reason to get them later.


In the end you can “Flavor” all classes to a certain Race.

Monk for example uses fire(All dragons honestly), nature(Green) and “earth”(Black) magics.
A warrior is all about the earth(Black) with stomps and such.
A Mage uses fire, frost and arcane as does the Blue Flight usually.

All I’m saying, there is nothing against having other classes for the Dracthyr race.
But as I said multiple times before they need to learn those things first, what won’t happen at the start of the Expansion.

No its not? A Mage uses the arcane powers he studied.
A Evoker uses innate primal Dragon powers.
They are nothing alike…


I don’t believe all Dracthyr are created with the same amount of power.
Some might have deficits in a certain aspect of their magics.

Of course Evoker are those that have “full” control over all 5(4) dragonflight magics
But there might be those where one aspect is stronger than others, therefore they venture out to find other trainers/occupations that suit them better.

Just as I said before, Any class … (well ok maybe not all of them but a lot) can be flavored by the players, to suit a certain aspect of the Dragons power.

Yes they wouldn’t do the big fire breath like a normal dragon, but a BM Monk could still spew fire.
Yes they wouldn’t do a Wing buffet with their Wings, But a druid could still use Wind magic to push back enemies.

I will not be playing Drag-ons so I do not care.

You say you can’t have a class that flies but we have the dh they have a hover spell and they attack you from the air