Dracthyr Naming Conventions Revealed?

I appreciate you posting all the names. One request though, could you put up a post with just the Dracthyr, please? No player name, no mob name, just Dracthyr NPC names specifically.

Trying to get a feel for their naming theme, and it’s harder when you have to sort through Dracthyr, Dragons, Proto-Dragons, and player names. :frowning:

Edit: I am not trying to rain on your efforts. Just trying to narrow the field for my poor brain. :frowning:

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Nope, actual dragon.

No. Large drake, I think it was.

Sure, but doesn’t much matter at this point. I think that was it.

When in doubt random generator to the rescue

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Eh, I’d much rather know what kind of internal rules Blizzard has for Dracthyr, you know?


Yeh, I am hoping as Alpha progresses someone posts a list of all the Dracthyr names and we can kinda work out some logic. Even if I decide to go against it in the end, I would like to have an idea what Blizz was officially thinking with em.

Im seeing they don’t really obey draconic naming conventions and have their own. Doesn’t prevent you from using them though, it wouldn’t be horribly lore breaking.

I’m not sure what i’ll name mine, but if i choose to main it, it’s likely i will just move my main character name over to him. The evoker will become Averax and the DH will become something else. Like when i went from mage to DH.

Tangentially related, but I have noticed that the few Drakonids that have been given proper names tend to have X feature in their names. Averax would be an excellent drakonid name, should we get them.

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I do wish that Blizzard would follow a certain other MMO’s lead here and post their internal naming conventions.

Unless guidelines are just “sounds Orcish” or “sounds Gnomey.” But I would imagine they have some rough internal guidelines…


Aye, I know what you’re talking about, and I am always thankful for those posts. Not only do they give the naming conventions, they give the why of them too. They’re fun reads for more racial insight.

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Good. But people will use them anyway. It’s going to be the new Sephiroth

I have two names saved, my alliance will possibly be Grenville, a green dragon, maybe and my horde will be Darkscale, which I was surprised wasn’t taken. Likely going with a dark gray(since there really isn’t black) and red theme for him, maybe. So many options…ugh.

Ive already saved xXSephirostraza420Xx so you guys are out of luck on that front.


The names do seem to be all over the place, but I’m KIIINDA getting a Babylonian or Middle Eastern vibe from some of them. Such as Tethalash, Dervishian, or Sarkareth. I could be waaay off though.

Regardless, I think I’m going to maybe name mine Roshan (well, until we get more of a grasp on what Dracthyr naming conventions follow), which is a Persian name that loosely means, “bright,” or, “light.” It’d definitely fit my bronze-dragon-looking Dracthyr.

I saw a name earlier today with a French vibe. As you say, they’re all over the place.

I kinda like that their names don’t follow the normal conventions. It makes sense seeing as how they were sort of raised isolated from the rest of Dragonkind by Neltharion.

It also allows for players to not feel very restricted when it comes to matching their character’s name to their character’s appearance.

That said players are still going to name their Dracthyr “Spyyro” or “Smaugg” anyways so :man_shrugging:

I made a pretty lengthy post on Reddit about Dracthyr and roleplay/lore. We still don’t know a lot so much is speculative at this point. TLDR below…

I posed the question of color and whether it was indicative of a particular flight.

What we do know is that these were soldiers created by Neltharion/Deathwing. They have been in slumber since even the Sundering when many dragons left the isles. So you wouldn’t have seen a Dracthyr during the sundering or the third war.

As to the idea of color? We know certain colors have certain conventions.

  • Red: Straz/Straza
  • Green: Ysera/Ysondre (others escape me. Green seems less defined?)
  • Blue: Gos (i.e. Malygos, Kalegos)
  • Bronze: Dormu (Nozdormu, Kairozdormu)
  • Black: (Neltharion, Wrathion)
  • White: (None come to mind atm)

What’s important to know about the Dracthyr is that they were created from…

  • Dragon Essence
  • Adaptability of Mortal races

Do the colors indicate any possible affinity for a particular flight?

I had wondered if the color of the Dracthyr indicated what essence might have been used akin to genetics or whether it’s purely random?

The closest thing to the Dracthyr is the “Chromatic” flight (A lesser flight) which were created from the blood of other flights (specifically those found within blackrock spire).

The Drac’thyr’s visage is apparently taught to you in the starting zone. This is different than the “Visage Day” referenced in a story by Steve Danuser who wrote that Chromi had chosen a female gnome as their visage on said day. This contradicts previous lore as well where you have dragons like Kairozdormu (appeared as high elf and orc), Acidrostrasz (human in burning steppes, Orc in Blackrock spire) which used multiple forms. And these aren’t aspects. They are common dragons.

Previous lore has suggested that dragon magic is complex. Korialstrasz for example said of a gem crafted from one of his scales that “It would bear properties that would astound any mage if they’d known how to cast dragon magic which few do.”

We still don’t know if the Dracthyr are in fact a drakonid race. Is their ability to learn the visage due to the dragon essence used to create them? If the visage can be taught by a dragon? You would also wonder why the options for said visage are race and or gender locked. Why not a female elf or male human?

TLDR: As for naming conventions? given how vague things seem to be atm? I don’t think we can read too much into any naming conventions found in game as of yet. It seems pretty wide open as of yet. I imagine people will still opt to maybe use some established conventions based on color. But we don’t even really know if there is a reason behind color or whether it’s as simple as just being a cosmetic option like picking a skin color for a human, etc.

So Pelegos was a blue dragon?

Beyond a couple really basic -ia and -ian names, which aren’t even aligned to colour, I don’t think we’ve seen a single Dracthyr that align with typical dragon names.


You’re thinking of Pelygos. :wink:

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Understand-- I don’t care that the game allowed you to make “Ebonhorn.” I’m not mad at you.

What annoys me is that Blizzard makes rules, and then doesn’t enforce them. “Ebonhorn” shouldn’t be allowed.

Small indie company…

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