Dracthyr look ridiculously awful

Not really :dracthyr_shrug:

Yes, yes I definitely do.

Oh really? Well that’s ironic considering this :dracthyr_lulmao:

I dont see the irony. You had no real responses ( and still dont ), started throwing out buzz words and calling out my personality or character which as nothing to do with topic of dracthyr being hideous and now you’re just regurgitating “I dont think so” and “not really”. Gonna stop giving you attention now, try not to walk past me in the city, i’d prefer to keep my breakfast in.

Good grief… some people like them others don’t; whats the issue? I personally like my Dracthyr though I despise the visage forms as I personally do not like elves or humans (too vanilla imo) Do they look bad imo? I mean not really… They aren’t horrible but some minor things could be changed like the head size. Sheesh people are all up in arms about the race… how about the class that has more bugs than a 1 star motel?

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My only gripe with them is that their colors feel too elementary. I like to play with darker colors on my characters that give a “mean” or “evil” vibe not this bright rainbow stuff that gives me flashbacks of how I used to dress like in junior high. I think everyone can agree there are races the we dont want to exist in this game.
For me its:

Kul tiran - Just obese humans with diabetes
Goblins - The race fits into the game but I think they did a terrible job designing them, they def could of looked a lot better
Pandaren - self explanatory

I don’t love the look of Dracthyr but hey, I can look like an ordinary humanoid while I’m out of combat.

This is what happens when you hire for diversity instead of skill.

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Why blizzard thought it would be cool to be a Twitter warrior is beyond me

Well said.

I just started playing mine two days ago. And, you’re assumption are wrong. I stuck with it because I do like the look and feel.

Lol, no you don’t and we all know it.

You seem to be assuming your opinions are universal, when in my experience they are far from it? I, and most players I’ve spoken with, think the Dracthyr look amazing, love their customization options, and find them fun to play. It’s perfectly fine, of course, for you to have different opinions, but why talk like you’ve polled everyone and found consensus?


What? You get amazing art and fun play style? That’s what happens?

Look at the name lol guys a freaking troll

blood elf complaining about a race being lanky with noodle arms

Blood elves look lanky compared to male humans… who look like hairy gorillas.
Blizzard is really bad at designing humans and humans with pointy ears in general. If you look at male blood elves, well, they look like body builders, while female belves look like Barbie dolls… even worse. They look even less natural than Barbies.

wow. so glad this random guy who isnt me, and knows nothing about me is able to decided whether or not i like dracthyr. thanks random stranger for saying i dont like dracthyr just because YOU dont like dracthyr

Quite a few races have weird proportions. Blood/Void elf male/female look anorexic and I just want to feed them something. Worgen males are hunchbacks…they fixed that for Orcs I wish they would fix that for them too. Darkspear male trolls are hunch backs too. Probably why I prefer Zandalari Trolls they just look better.

Night Elves males there hands are like shovels and something about there legs always seemed weird to me. Night Elf females looks like they have there shoulders/arms push back too far giving them an odd posture.

Don’t get me started on Mecha Gnomes… nope. I can’t stand Kul Tiran, it was like Blizzard thought hey what would Panda look like if they were human and Bam we have Kul Tirans…

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I’m usually pretty positive on most things that have been added to WoW in the past. Loved Death Knights/Monks/Demon Hunters and most new races but I agree Dracthyr are a missfire.

I don’t like either of their forms at all. Their humanoid form just looks like Human/Blood Elves with a bunch of stuff glued on their face.

And their Dragon form, dear god their Dragon form is so awful. I haven’t finished the starting zone for them because I can’t stand looking at them on my screen.

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Hey now, Pandaren look incredible. Maybe the arms are a little overlong (Blizzard seems to love their long arms/short legs aesthetic) but outside of the neck seam and inability to remove sandals the Pandaren are bloody perfect.

Oh I got no issues with how Pandaren appear. It’s when Blizzard decides to use a polymerization card at half power using Pandaren and Humans and finally we end up with Kul Tiran’s…