My apologies, but you have now been disqualified from the discussion.
Only if their mount is a mobility scooter.
Yeah, they’re ugly.
The class is stupid.
THe specs are clunky and make zero sense.
I agree l, dracthyr look stupid and very out of place in world of Warcraft universe.
Dracthyr is supposed to look ridiculously awful. I like my chosen appearance, I don’t like how I was made. This is how you are designed to feel when playing dracthyr.
Everyone who disagrees is a scaly and that’s okay too.
Calling other people names like “bigot” for having a different opinion is a little bit overdramatic. I mean, no offense, but you’re playing a game with race division and similar stuff, not to mention the behavior of some of the devs in the past. Should other people call you names too for supporting Blizzard games?
The person you argued with was simply stating, that they don’t like the way Dracs look and quite frankly, they really could use a lot of improvements, just like several other races in this game, too.
Speak for yourself, Sir.
I love the way the Drachthr look and the way they play. The customization options are awesome, and so easy to change from Dracthyr to human. Usually, I leave the human appearance off unless I just want to be temporarily smaller, like in the Mage Tower in SW. They are not my fave class but I play them a lot and have two.
As for the Pandaren, have always been a fan of the appearance. I love the variety of looks for characters in this game. The more alien, the more I like them! I have one human of my nearly 50 alts, and never play them. Ugh. They are pretty/handsome, but I play this game to look radically different, not like RL. I really love my Pandarens, the way they look and the way they play!
Dracthyr look like malnourished geckos. I can’t help but think of a Geico insurance ad every time I see one.
If the Dracthyr looked a bit more like a Highland Drake (standing on all fours), with proper fire animations, Visage form with all races, including any unlocked Allied (but faction restricted), Visage primal/glow eyes, and the ability to use all armor types as cosmetics, I’m pretty sure it’d get a bit less hate.
Either way, I enjoy playing mine but more for the playstyle. I think my biggest gripe is the limited mogs, running animation and soar not being similar to dragon riding.
Why should races for visage be faction restricted? We have humans for Horde, so why are humans just fine, but other races not?
I’m against race/faction and race/class restrictions anyway, but especially for Dracs it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, considering that they are already using female humans.
I dont like fantasy, apparently, but i am playing a fantasy MMO? Thats makes a whole lot of sense.
Its unsurprising you’d fall back on such predictable and honestly, pathetic strategy of regurgitating every social justice buzzword because someone doesn’t like the visual design of something that you like. That’s how you know someone is out of arguments. Also, are you even aware what the word “bigot” means? I suggest you look it up before throwing it out. Because you do not belong any group of people for anyone to discriminate against, unless that group is dracthyr lovers, which is pretty laughable. You’re just a triggered SJW defending their weird fetish and getting emotional over facts. They objectively look terrible. Deal with it.
To give more faction distinction. Seeing Orcs or Trolls running around SW would look a bit off, just like seeing Draenei or Dwarves in Orgrimmar. I personally love the separation. I love how each race has a unique culture and class interests.
And I don’t agree with their choice to add human female options to the Horde. That point really doesn’t relate to my previous post, since I was giving my opinion on what I personally think would’ve been more popular, than the current design.
Hey! Wait … what if it’s a Gnome Warrior?!
I’m inclined to agree. I personally dislike Dracthyr’s appearance or there play style. I did the initial storyline for them but that was it really. Not a fan. Then again I’m not a fan of quite a few of the races. I love my orc warrior now that he isn’t a hunch back anymore. I still think they need to fix that for Worgen too… There probably others.
Then there those things we call Gnomes. I still say warriors and paladins should grab a couple of gnomes and duck tape them to the front of there shields. Gnomebliteration best quest ever.
Please point out where exactly I did that please
You’d be surprised
Yes I do
Yes I do actually and it’s not great tbh
You know what didn’t call you a bigot before but well you basically just told on yourself as one so congratulations I guess
we are stupid!!
burn us now
Even better for non-gnome warriors. Even more protection. A gnome warlock and gnome priest duct taped to a shield will last for only so longer but two gnome warriors duct taped to a non-gnome warriors shield. Meat shields…and well there small enough tauren tampax. I guess Horde have make do with using Goblins as there meat shields.
Hey! Wait … what if it’s a Gnome Warrior?!
You strongly insinuated it. Don’t attempt to backpedal now after realizing you said something stupid. Not that anyone expected anything intelligent from someone defending those abominations.
And no, you do not know what that word means. You just pull out first buzzword you can think of to try and de-legitimize someone else’s argument just because you cant think of anything else to say and just sound like a triggered furry sjw. In all your responses, you basically said nothing about the main topic of the discussion and instead, attempted to attack my character which is always a sign of someone desperate and out of anything reasonable to say. And by the way , i still burst out laughing every time i see your ridiculous chicken head sticking out of that armor.
If it helps de-escalating the thread a little, in my opinion Blizzard isn’t really all that good with designing races in general.
Male humans look like clunky gorillas.
Female human’s lips remind me of duck beaks.
Night elves… oh boy, where to beging…
Male nelves have an upper body that kinda looks like a weirdly shaped triangle, they have shovel hands and feet, their arms and legs look like rectangle, their ears look as if they are half finished and for some reason they are only allowed to have old cranky faces.
Female night elves on the other hand have a hollow back, not a single normal face and clunky hands.
Mecha Gnomes are pure nightmare fuel. Could let them pass as a customization option, but as their own race? Yikes.
Void Elves, especially males have the most ugly and edgy hair styles out of all races. Since there isn’t much else going on in regards to customizations, I count them together with blood elves. Their models look clunky aswell. Not as bad as male humans, but still rather ugly and as if they would take steroids.
That ugly hunch for Worgen and their weirdly shaped body, not to mention the missing tail makes them look really unappealing, both for male and female.
I don’t have that many complaints about the other monster races, because apart from Vulpera, who are obviously meant to look cute, aren’t meant to look good. So yeah, you can say Goblins look ugly, but it is supposed to be an ugly monster race. So I have no problem with that.^^
Yeah the running animation looks hilarious and im disappointed about the lack of wardrobe options
But i still like playing my dracthyr. I like the rotation and im meh on the distance. I think he’s actually going to be my new main class bc i havent touched my previous mains of mage or monk so shrug
The 20 yard range has to be changed to 40 like all other ranged.