Dracthyr look ridiculously awful

Dracthyr feel like a miss. Players have been asking for dragons for years. Instead we get, sort of dragons, that can’t really fly and only have ONE visage form per “gender” and it’s not even good. Like sure it has a lot of customization, but it’s attached to baseline that looks bad. Especially for fem dracthyr.

I’d rather have the visage form be any race with unique customization options. Man… I’d just like to be able to really fly or dragonride as one. My healer friends say Preservation is fun, but I can’t get into it because the fantasy of it misses so completely for what I’d want from a WoW dragon.

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Agree 100%. Missed opportunity big time. If they had made them use this model instead:

Things would have turned out so much better. These things look cool (Drakonid), while what we got look weird, awkward, and lame.

I truly hope the people who like them are enjoying the crap out of them, but things could have been more appealing to a wide audience.


Like I said, at LEAST give them, proper transmog to flesh them out. Then, you might actually be able to work with them a bit, maybe come up with some cool stuff.

But if you’re not going to enable full transmog, then what’s it going to hurt to give them a smaller Dragon form? Honestly, just nix the mount and scale down the size of the “Highland Drake” and we’re in business.

I’ve made a Drac’thyr that I feel okay about but not being able to transmog them is an absolutely terrible decision.

I agree that giving them transmog would be great for those that want it, but I think they coded themselves into a corner. In order to keep the functionality of the barbershop pieces, they would need to create separate rules for Dracthyr that are different than everyone else. That or let us mog the Visage and the Dracthyr forms separately. Otherwise it would be a mess. :frowning:

Edit: And even if they were mogged separately, Dracthyr form would still need special rules that were different than other races. For example, the ability to hide pants.

I figured out what it is about them the irks me the most. It’s the WALK/RUN. It’s super feminine and just doesn’t look or feel right.

I would have been fine with both. I hate the Drakonid, but I don’t begrudge those that like them. My only problems arise when people want to straight up replace the Dracthyr, because there are those of us who love em as is.

By all means though, I will lobby for a Drakonid allied race or something too. :slight_smile:


They look like some kind of perverted furry porno art with scales. Absolutely disgusting, they should have just added a Dragonsworn class to the existing races instead of this atrocity.

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he says in the most effeminate voice imaginable

This one obviously hasn’t looked in the mirror after transmogging into that hot garbage, just saying. Methinks you should take advantage of the new transmog currency.

Personally I was hopping for Drakonid, playable throughout most classes.

As if being effeminate is somehow a bad thing. :man_shrugging:


Yeah, I get rankled when people start asking for other classes and giant physiques on Dracthyr. They were conceived for a very specific vision. Don’t contort it into something it is not, particularly when you can have your own vision better realized elsewhere. It’s like asking for tall Gnomes - I just don’t understand why someone would want that when better options exist.


Pretty presumptuous of you, I’d say.

I never got used to pandas, worgen, blood elves or vulpera. The dragons look dumb as hell, but I dunno… I don’t hate them as much as the others. I can actually play them.

I’m sorry but that is hilarious. I find that lanky gecko head coming out of that transmog really funny.

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Everyone has their own tastes. :man_shrugging:

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So much copium in this thread about people liking em lol.


I mean if people like them they like them? What’s the big deal?

They prance or flounce. Which is really a shame that it’s giving in to a stereotype given the underlying context of a lot of the DF content.

There are several existing drakonids, going all the way back to Vanilla. Two and four legged versions that players were really referring to when asking for dragon characters.

There was so much potential just sitting there.

It’d be like Blizz saying they’re going to add Tuskarr, but develop completely new visuals, or Hozen that are stocky humanoids with simian traits rather than existing models, etc.

I’d surmise a lot of people who like these as-is never really interacted with the existing drakonid models. I mean, how many people are going to end up leveling through Swamp of Sorrows (for example) and actually see them?