Dracthyr joining us doesn’t make sense

Why would a race of immortal dragons join the horde and alliance?

It makes sense to maybe join forces to fight the threat to the dragon isles, but after that why would they remain in the horde/alliance?

Why would they choose to divide and kill each other over the squabbles of mortal races?


Why not?

New towns and cities to explore.

They are immortal they will be fine.

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Because the Dracthyr are also a race of fighters, so only the strongest Dracthyr can survive.

Driven by inquiry and bloodlust they set out into the world to get some.


To be honest 90% of the allied races don’t make sense joining/picking sides also but here we are.

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Death Knights joining us didn’t make sense either until it did. Let’s see what the lore is for the starting experience first.


gets army of darkness vibes

Death Knights we’re already part of the Horde and Alliance before they died

Joining us was like going home for them


They jangle a pair of keys in front of them.


I think it’s because they don’t want to completely scrap the faction system, so making them a race that can join either side is the best they can do. They did say it was more of a pragmatic choice, so the different Dracthyr are prolly just aligning with the faction they think can help em out the most, or the one they like the feel of. I can’t complain. Means I can finally switch to Alliance. :stuck_out_tongue:

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They describe the Drakthyrs allegiance as a practical matter rather than a philosophical one. That actually kind of disappoints me because having a neutral race base their division on a deep philosophical/cultural divide (The pandaren don’t really cut it for me because the Houjin and Tushui aren’t really hostile towards each other.) would be really interesting.

Horde: “You get to kill gnomes.”

Dragons: “Say no more, my green friends.”


This is why I’m confused

Once the threat to the dragon isles is dealt with, what practical reason do they have to remain divided and killing each other?

It makes no sense for them to permanently join either side


Does that work on lizards? I know it works on the cat. lol

I have looked deep into the eyes of Joyful Emerald Dracthyr (from the press kit), and there is nothing behind those eyes besides elevator music.


Ah good to know! I will keep the keys close!

Alliance: ‘‘You get to kill people who have a history of enslaving dragons.’’
Dragons: ‘‘Say no more, my pale friends.’’

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I wonder if maybe the devs are slowly weening WoW off the faction war. I think the rumors of out right getting rid of the faction divide eventually, maybe not in Dragonflight, but sometime in the future aren’t that far fetched. Drak’thyr only being divided on a practical matter rather than a philosophical one, feels like a step in that direction.

Eventually the Horde and the Alliance may be mostly disconnected from players, and based more off individual political choices. This will probably also lead to multiple cases of mutual villain batting to present overt warmongers on either side as villains that both Horde and Alliance PC’s will “deal” with.

I don’t know if I like it. It’s just my tinfoil hat theory though.

Just Blizzard forcing their lame af faction narrative on another race. Nothing new.

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??? Dracthyr aren’t immortal? Why do you think they’re immortal?