Dracthyr joining us doesn’t make sense

Same reason we spent 3 years healing woonz from a thorn?

Why can’t any of you mfers wait to get the story from the game? Same post over and over again.

Yup. One of the glaring weaknesses of the rigid two faction system rears its ugly head yet again.


This will likely be answered in their starter zone quests.

I would guess they are just trying to find a place for them in the world. It’s possible the remaining aspects urge them to help the mortals.

They’ve been asleep for like 10,000 years. Maybe they think joining a faction and pointlessly killing each other sounds like fun?

Well the draenei, and pretty much all elves are essentially immortal so like…whats the problem? If anything all the immortal races should band together to laugh at all the stupid races who only live like 100 yrs max.

There likely is story or a bio on them to explain it. I know the trailer and deep dive weren’t much and left more questions than answers, but they likely will fill in gaps in the coming months.

Also weren’t they made by Nelfarian who is just human disguised Deathwing? Who hates us by the way? Who made them to be a conquering army?

Edit: mixed up Nefarian with Deathwing.

I hope so because right now I just have a bunch of questions and no answers

Nefarian is Deathwing’s son if I recall correctly :thinking: and I’m pretty sure Onyxia is Deathwing’s daughter and sister to Nefarian

I’m a bit rusty on my lore though so I may be wrong

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No no, I checked, Nefarian is Nefarian’s disguise, I mixed up Daval Prestor (Deathwing) with Nefarian XD.

our player characters are immortal lore wise.