Dracthyr Druids

seems like the worst idea ever OP.

I’d rather see the gnomes get the nod! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Except that they are infused with essense of the green dragonflight.


Fun fact: You refusing the acknowledge the lore doesn’t make it go away.

  • Emerald Blossom - “grow a bulb from the EMERALD DREAM at an ally’s location…”

  • Attuned to the DREAM - increases healing done and received by 3%

  • DREAM Breath - “gather the power of the DREAM. Release to exhale, healing 5 injured allies…”

  • EMERALD Communion - “Commune with the EMERALD DREAM, restoring 20% HP and 2% MP every second…”

  • Field of DREAMS: “30% chance for Fluttering Seeds to grow into new Emerald Blossoms.”

  • Call of Ysera: “Verdant Embrace increases healing of your next DREAM Breath or Living Flame.”

  • DREAM Flight: “Take a deep breath and flight to a target location, healing allies in your path.”

  • Cycle of Life: “Every 3 EMERALD Blossoms leaves behind a sprout that absorbs 10% of your healing…”

But of course… “dRacThyR aReN’t ConNecTed tO tHe EmEralD dReAm!”


O lord strike me down I forgot something on a forum…

…what will I ever do? I know, I will lose myself at the bottom of Vash’jir and let the pressure of the depths and forums do what they will to my psyche.

Oh woe is me for forgetting… I shall bang my head into a wall till I am exalted with the masses!

Oh ‘insert your diety here’ willst though ever forgive your child!! Earth mother, what ever shall I do?

The recompense of olde shall be upon me, for I must atone !

And atone I shall!

OK, I forgot, it happens.

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I think people that played dracthyr to 70 and maybe completed certain achievements should be able to switch classes one time if they allow new classes for the race. Maybe having reached the current highest level of the class you want to switch to is a prerequisite. Kind of the opposite of race change.

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Okay, :blue_heart: for making me laugh. :smile_cat:

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Yes. Your punishment will be eternal

I support this, but as long as we get Dracthyr Paladins.


A Crusader’s charger version of the Vorquin would be pretty dope, actually.


dive bombing a target then put on the divine shield would be awesome.

To people saying it’s unlikely Blizz will give druids to Dracthyr (despite the fact that it makes sense lorewise), because it would require too much work, I do have an additional point to mention about that:

One of the reasons Blizz is hesitant to give out more druids to races is, I imagine, because they have to create new art assets not once, but twice. Because if either faction gets a new druid race and the other doesn’t, then that’s an issue. Plenty of Alliance people complain that Horde have four druid races, even though one is literally just a reskin with moose antlers.

However, Dracthyr don’t have this issue, because they are a neutral race. It’s much less daunting than having to make two different sets of art assets to keep the balance.

I dunno, I think there’s a possibility that Dracthyr could get druid forms.


I think it’s a matter of “when”, not “if”, Dracthyr or other races get Druid. My current prediction is:

  • With Thrall supposedly having a major role in TWW, that’s the expansion we’ll see Shamans for all races.
  • Midnight is mainly focused on the war between the Light and Void, with Quel’thalas and the Sunwell having a major role. I think this is when we’ll get Paladins for all.
  • TLT has us returning to Northrend and having some big confrontation with the Titans. I expect Ulduar and the Titan Keepers to be heavily featured. As the Keeper who literally created (or at least ordered) the Emerald Dream that we know, Titan Keeper Freya will be the reason we get Druids for all races.

I hope we get night elf paladins sooner than that… I already leveled a remix paladin to make her into a night elf. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, for sure. I hope we see more Race/Class restrictions removed sooner, too. I’m holding out for Forsaken Paladins myself.

+1 to this. Would be a super neat concept. Though I have a feeling so many people would change to Dracthyr lol.

What I find stupid is blizzard said they want to give every race every class, but they keep adding “new” races. Emphasis on New cause earthen is just a ugly reskin of dwarfs and a new beard option for females.They could of added to the base race. Also mark my words we are getting that new troll/elf/ beast race as playable druids. If I’m not mistaken they already data mind a druid bat form for them. They could easily take animals in the game for forms. The only “problem” I could see is glide in cat/bear form. Though we used to have it in all specs till they removed moonkin for every spec (another dumb decision).
TLDR: Blizz dumb and dont have any excuse for putting druid or any class for every race. Druid forms dont need to be super unique. Give undead’s a undead cat/bear and call it a day.

Man, I have only played through the first zone in TWW, but I am NOT happy with the creation of that troll-elf race… it looks way too close to night elves and trolls to look new or fun…

It’s like, the weirdo version of night elves. We already have regular night elves and even nightier night elves. We don’t need weirdo night elves, too…