Dracthyr Druids

Since you quoted Lorelai’s reply to me, I’m going to presume to be one of these “no no no people” as you put it, and I’d like to make my position very clear; I’m not saying “no no no” to Dracthyr Druids or Shaman. I’m saying I doubt it. I very much doubt it. Would I like to see it? Yes, absolutely. But what we’d like to see them do and what they’re probably going to do are often two completely different things, just as…

…what they should do vs what they’ll more than likely do are often two completely different things. And I’m seeing Blizzard Kickstarting something even less than I see them giving us Dracthyr Druids. Besides, I don’t think it’s about money. I think it’s about time. I believe they don’t want to put in the time to do those assets and animations.

So again, just so we’re on the same page, yeah this is something I want and would like to see as well. I’d totally role a Drac Druid. I just highly doubt we’ll see them any time soon.

Why do you hate fun?


here is my idea.
Dracthyr Druids.

in Caster form. its just them, a Dracthyr
in Bear form its a Buff Dracthyr. like Werebear but with dragon head, tail and wings.
Cat form is them as a Dracthyr but they use their claws and teeth.
Travel form, its Running wild animation but Dracthyr. just them, on all 4s
flight form. its Dracthyr but flying.

aquatic form, its them as a Dracthyr but with gills for underwater breathing.


just the play style of Druid with the Dracthyr model would be cool imo. and isnt that good enough reason to do it?


I’d rather just see them get an Evoker tank spec, and have that as the form they take for it.

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If blizzard cares about lore dracthyr druids make more sense then most combos considering they have the essense of the green flight in them who are naturally attuned to the emerald dream where druids get their power.

However I don’t see humanoid druid forms.

Also it’s not going to happen because blizzard will always prioritize laziness over lore. If you think blizzard ultimate goal was all race all classes why didn’t earthen get druid and death knight?

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This is exactly what everyone wanted from Drakonid/Dragonkin.
Instead we got the high budget cost, low quality dracqthur.

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All great ideas, but i doubt.
If they going to release dracthyr druids quick, it would probably be the same model as zandalari druids, which are already reptilians…

Because it doesn’t make sense.

I suspect what Blizzard has planned is generic forms like there is currently just for moonkin. Once they wrap that up, they can hand druidism to everyone and get around to racial specific forms “soon™”

I swear. These forums want the Druid class on the most rediculous ideas.

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JFC the nonstop nonsensical clamoring for every friggin race in the game to be a druid has reached the point of madness just STOP.

Very cool.
I would like a drakthyr hunter as well.

Dracthyr Druid does make sense…

… The forms a lot of people are asking for in this thread, however, do not make sense.


I would love to see every playable race be used as a visage…

It wouldn’t even be that much work… because the only thing they’d have to add is face/body scales and horns onto the current playable races.

Honestly, I would even take visages of the current playable races WITHOUT dracthyr scales/horns as visages over what we got.

I wish to fully blend into my environment, and the Dracthyr visages do not allow me to do that. If I want to pass as an elf, I need to be able to have elven ears; or, if I want to be able to blend into human territories, I cannot have scales on my forehead or bat ears…

I just want to be a Drakonid. Q.Q

These suggestions for new druid forms almost never make sense. Other than OP’s pitch for dracthyr druids having a Bear Form that isn’t even bear-adjacent, they’re usually for Cat Forms that aren’t cats (spiders for undead or void elves), Bear Forms that aren’t bears (voidwalkers for void elves), Moonkin Forms that aren’t moonkin or even avian (sethrak for vulpera), and then we get to madness like mechagnomes turning into actual tanks and missiles, because some people only see druids for their transforming aspect while completely ignoring the guardian of nature aspect.

If your suggestion for a Cat or Bear Form isn’t actually one of those creatures or something that shares a rig with them (Zandalari forms), then there’s no chance of it happening, because the devs aren’t going to explain how something that doesn’t look like a duck, walk like a duck, or quack like a duck can do everything that a duck can do.

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It makes more sense then most race/class combos.

Dracthyr are a manufactured (GMO) race; They have no connection to nature.

You mean…outside of the green dragonflight?


No thank you.

I think we can and should expect what is fair, not constantly lower our expectations as Blizz just gets lazier and lazier, and makes more and more profit, every time we accept that they just won’t put in any effort.

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