elves are very ugly
same with gnomes.
Or just add additional models so that the most amount of people are happy. The people that DO like the slim model can keep it, and the people that DO NOT can use the other one.
To me the issue is they decided to be ‘lazy’ with it while also trying to tout ‘so many options! more than races before!’ but that counts their non-combat forms more than anything else. Apparently there will be more ‘snoot’ variation than body types, which is bad in general. For the first time with a new race, we only get one set of ‘animations’, once ‘dance’, one set of jokes/flirts (if they even do them, given they removed certain races almost entire set of jokes/flirts) AND they used HALF of the female worgen skeleton underneath for rigging.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that those who frequent the forums/reddit/Twitter are the majority of players.
I mean blizz had to go and say a few things about the state of the dragon model which makes me think it’s not just those that frequent these. Plus either way these forums are a good way to test regular player interest like it or not.
Sadly it’s the only way to test player interest bc their too lazy to do so any other way. If they wanted real feed back they’d do something along the lines of a poll sent to the email of every unique account.
Reptiles, corpses, spiders or scorpions don’t look ugly to me. I guess lizard is not everybody’s cup.
hes right tho, they’re very under developed
They’re not though. From the few screenshots and videos we’ve seen of them we can see well defined scale texture, multiple scale colours and patterns, multiple horn, frill, and spike styles, multiple eye colours, etc. The bodies look like the kind of lean muscle a lot of athletes have. Which makes sense for a race that was prolly meant to be a swift and mobile elite caster type unit.
It’s actually kind of refreshing. WoW’s races tend to all be super beefy, and I really like that they’re giving us a different kind of look.
It isn’t just that the models are slim; for a species that’s supposed to be able to fly, visually they give (me, anyway) a sense of being too bottom heavy, with those big legs and feet (as compared to the upper body limbs).
This is something that may stand out even with a bulkier, more muscular body build.
Ok and? if the dracythr are ugly then you should be able to relate to them
needs more steroids
says a worgen. gross
says a human. gross
i would like to see more variatons of undead, blizz could add an allied race for undead the options are unlimited :()
Did they give us thicc boi’s yet or do the dragon models STILL look really terrible?
Ugly, Disgusting and overall non attractive art styles are vastly important. Though personal tastes on art/designs are subjective… Point being to truly appreciate and respect the beautiful designs, there needs to be a counter to make it feel worthwhile.
Too many attractive and beautiful designs run risk of being bland and washed out while losing uniqueness and inspirations if that is all that is seen. For either to stand out both are required.
Naw, we still have the lean and amazing original model.
Blizz has stated there will be a choice between lean and more bulky though. We just haven’t really seen the compare. Supposed to get a blog post with Dracthyr customisation options, but who knows when that will come out.
i do not like the current world of warcraft Dracthyr race it looks goofy
an weak
As opposed to figuratively?