Dracthyr are effeminate lizards with no transmog options and grafted bodies in visage form. AM NOT TROLLING!

Oh yeah for sure and they are, from what I expect, human DNA mixed with dragon and that’s why dracthyr are a humanoid shape.

lol ya they are kind of goofy looking.


Swing and a miss lmao

It’s indoctrination into other fetishes like puppy play and drag shows.
I guess you can try to normalize these behaviors, but they are in fact not normal.
These people in their many costumes aren’t to be trusted in the real world.


My cat won’t use his pet bed. He’s a jerk and I bought two

Where are the pet beds located?

Also does he get in them and then is like “eh” or is it a thing of he doesn’t bother with them at all?

Also did you wash them? If you did, did you wash them with soap that has a lot of perfume? If so, just run it through the wash with no soap to help get some of that smell out and put it in the dryer.

He doesn’t use a scratching post he doesn’t use a pet bed.

He’s like me. You can’t tell me what to do

He uses my computer chair or couch the two places I sit. I suppose I could start laying on the pet bed

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Ah ok got you so best bet on the scratching post is put catnip on it and if you see him use it, give him a few pets and a “who is a good kitty.”

It will reward the positive behavior and the bed thing he may not recognize it as a place to sleep. Put an old sock or an old shirt or something with your smell on it in the bed so he makes the association of “this is a safe spot” and he may use it.

lol close ya just put something with your smell on it in the bed again like a sock or a shirt or something.

I tried cat nip. He eats it and then goes crazy running around. Then he scratches my bed

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Put the catnip on the post and rub it in real good to where he has to bite and also does he scratch the side of the couch or the couch cushions?

If it’s the cushions, he may be a horizontal scratcher and that’s why he doesn’t like the posts.

Cats are weird you can’t make em do something they have to be like, “this is good I like this” for them to get used to pet furniture.

edit: wow idk where I got couch but if he scratches the bed is it the side of the bed or the top? Again depending on where he scratches may determine what kind of scratch pad or post to get. :slight_smile:

i will not confirm nor deny this.

god forbid people for being human for 5mins…

The first thing is a massive no no if it’s what I think it is… Drag has been around for ages and is nothing new.

Edit I looked it up and (thankfully) it isn’t what I thought it was.

No the new thing is brinigng kids to them. Imagine you and the boys going out to make fun of some woman face and some mook brings their kid.

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What the your xmog changed while I was looking back through.

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Nah, being human is actually BEING A HUMAN.
You want to do deviant things, that’s a whole other ball game.
I assure you the amount of time and energy for people who champion this stuff is far more than 5 minutes.

Yeah, they’re pretty lame. Blizz should have let us voice an opinion on their aesthetic

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I have problems with human models too, as expressed in my previous post. They look like friggen potatoes! they’re janky af and they need some love!

I can agree with that and I think they said something about adding voice options in for all races at some point.


do i have my googly goggles on still?

figuratively speaking…

that can involve anybody really, furry or otherwise. i seen a belf go full nsfw an say he wants to diddle a cat…

i probably should stop taking people like you seriously…
you got yer minds in the gutter 24/7 or something.

oi, i ain’t no potato, im clearly, a broccoli painted like a potato.


Also to touch on this… wut?

Well drag is non-women dressing up as women, so woman-face. I don’t go to drag shows so I really don’t know why you would go to one with the boys other than that. I really don’t see the appeal.

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