Dracthyr are effeminate lizards with no transmog options and grafted bodies in visage form. AM NOT TROLLING!

Lets not talk about Mag’har Orcs, Iron Dorfs. Nightborne. I’ll give Lightforged a pass since we slavaged the poor Draenei from another timeline. But Void Elf’s? Its just a bunch of things like these, really. Its weird that you guys notice this laziness now. :o:

Also Dracthyr look so stiff, didn’t they have a similar race in that MMO before Wow, EQ or whatever it was? I am wondering if they’re just copy/pasta’ing from there. Worgens are like the Vah Shir. Dracthyr like the Iksar. Its interesting, I wonder if we get Froglok next!



I’ll never understand somebody calling dracthyr small and not intimidating. They are like 11 feet tall if Zandalari are 10. That’s almost double me! And I’m somewhat tall.


I have no idea what OP is talking about


Small gripe and I 100% disagree re: the dracthyr but this stood out to me.

As far as I know: no, there really isn’t a single original race in WoW.

-Humans: humans
-Dwarves, gnomes, elves (all types), tauren, trolls, goblins, ogres and orcs: either existed in preceding real–world folklore, or they were solidified by Tolkien or D&D
-Pandaren: I dunno if there’s asian folklore about panda men? But I remember my favorite TMNT figurine was a panda samurai.
-Forsaken: zombies and the undead are commonplace in folklore, solidified in d&d
-Worgen: actual werewolves
-Arakkoa: skeksis, kenku, tengu, aracocra (d&d, dark crystal)
-Murlocs and all other fish people: Lovecraft
-Tuskarr: I think there’s folklore about walrus people? fairly sure.
-Niffin: Come on, the niffin are just fraggles (which makes them even more awesome)
-Draconids, dracthyr: dragonborn (not Skyrim), lizardfolk
-Hozen: those ape mutants from Thundercats
-Vrykul: actual literal vikings

That leaves vulpera and Draenei, and I think draenei might be the closest they’ve come to an original race? I know I’m forgetting some races…

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They are really pushing the non binary agenda with this expansion I still can’t tell what gender is Emberthal.


Whatever you want her to be baby.


What you’re thinking of isn’t a furry… there’s another term for that but I can’t put it on here. Furries =/= THAT and THAT is just… absolutely not… no!

I’m a furry have 2 cats and they are absolutely spoiled. They get treats, furniture, pet beds and one of the kitties was a rescue from the driveway. I’ve made several threads on Harley (the rescue kitty). He needed so much help and attention cause of where he was just a baby. Bottle fed him every 2 hours and all the kitten care. That wasn’t easy and there was a MASSIVE learning curve with taking care of a kitten that his eyes weren’t even open yet.

I adopted the other from Pet Smart and she is a pain but overall a good kitty. She keeps Harley entertained and is teaching him cat things.

If Rosen has a doggo he can trust me with the doggo. I think he has a cat? I can’t remember. I know he used to have rats. Take the dog for a walk, play fetch… or teach it to play fetch if the dog doesn’t know how to play.



Still wouldn’t trust you with my dog. Sorry, not sorry.


Dark Elves don’t exist on Azeroth.

You mean sorry not sorry but /shrug

I like the heavier body style on some of the NPCs.
If they had been that body, Id play one in a NY minute

Yes, that’s what it says.

im usin it as an example.

i’d trust a normal furry with my dog.
wouldn’t trust a degenerate however with a child, my dog or anyone in my family.

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An odd example considering they don’t exist.

You also forgot that the Trash Elves are the ones on the Horde.

closest to dark elves we gonna get is the fel ones that probably died out.

Oh I read sorry not worry oops.


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Man you think about people and animals a lot

Not sure I trust you with your dog based on your regular thoughts


yes, yes they are

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Isn’t the skeleton rig the same as some the furbolg for the niffin?

I think dracthyr share some rigging with the incubus but I’m not 100% on that.

what people don’t know is, furries is a fandom, a phase that stuck with us for quite some time actually.

but like fandoms, there those few who join em an make em look like the worse things alive.

for instance… Priests