Dracthyr are effeminate lizards with no transmog options and grafted bodies in visage form. AM NOT TROLLING!

As good as the art team is, i do not share any more the praise for them, compared to the warcraft feel, the Metzen or Samwise are gave. the game lost that a long time ago.

Today is more noticeable, WoW looks more like Hearthstone and a generic fantasy child like game than Warcraft.


Hate when people like you go this route. Someone saying some truth and logic, better criticize the race this person plays! Be quiet already


They’re hideous and feel extremely out of place in the game.


so what the heck did happen?

whose gonna tell op about dragons can be noodles too?


I would like more transmog choices as a pale, weak, lizard. At least let us mog braces, feet and helm to our lizard form. We should also be able to regularly fly.

They don’t have standing criticizing other races when they are playing the “hot race” of the Horde that was only added cuz the Horde population was garbage without it.

Now over half the Horde are Blood Elves.

I just noticed that you’re a void elf.

Well, ya see…
I got nothin’, the lizard bois do look weird and the visage models… have to be the laziest decision in the world; Sad part is, they have more customization than most races!

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Your point? I’m not the one saying the Dracthyr are too effeminate while playing an Elf.

I know what I’m about.

My point being the convo back and forth I was like, “why is a blood elf talking like that about blood elves” and now things make sense.

A case of “I’m just waking up and was halfway confused” lol

They’re geekos or a furry cosplaying as a dragon.


Ah, that clarifies things.

Well, no one hates a Blood Elf more than a High Elf or a Void Elf. It’s kinda an Elven thing.

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Oh I see got you.


best not get involved, just be like a human an ignore it.

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But their dislike halfway hinges on them being blood elf
Due to insinuating that blood elf equals effeminine.

It wasn’t an attack on the race they chose the play so much as… Well you would have played as one anyway

I am. It’s an elf thing and idk about elf things.

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theres 3 kinds of elves.

  1. Highborne - always thinks they are better than you.

  2. evil - dark elves basically.

  3. a night elf.

It really is funny how some people’s brains are so broken that anything thinner than an orc (which is thicker than most roided out body builders) is effeminate.


Yes they are, it doesn’t matter if you say otherwise. They are weird. Tell me, would you trust a furry alone with your dog?