Dracthyr are effeminate lizards with no transmog options and grafted bodies in visage form. AM NOT TROLLING!

An odd example considering they don’t exist.

You also forgot that the Trash Elves are the ones on the Horde.

closest to dark elves we gonna get is the fel ones that probably died out.

Oh I read sorry not worry oops.


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Man you think about people and animals a lot

Not sure I trust you with your dog based on your regular thoughts


yes, yes they are

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Isn’t the skeleton rig the same as some the furbolg for the niffin?

I think dracthyr share some rigging with the incubus but I’m not 100% on that.

what people don’t know is, furries is a fandom, a phase that stuck with us for quite some time actually.

but like fandoms, there those few who join em an make em look like the worse things alive.

for instance… Priests


If you don’t think it was all intentional based off the interviews and of course, the end product… lol.

Body1/2 options now and the Dracs is a clear message.


Or that little thing called the Pandemic?

Maybe they’ll open up there visage forms to other races in the future. But they still need to modify them with the scales and horns.

They are not dragons. They are distinctly not dragons. They even talk to/ about dragons as a completely different species.

They are not Drakonids either. They’re Dracthyr. They’re different. They’re as different from Drakonids as Gnomes are to Humans.

They might have similar features and even look 90% the same, but when it comes down to it, they’re not.

This one I agree with. They sais it’s because they have wings and “weird bodies”. But they seem to be able to stretch gear between Tauren and Gnomes just fine. Both Draenei and Worgen have weird legs. There’s really no excuse for this one.

No need to be redundant.

would you trust a priest with yer child?

What is Whataboutism, Alex?

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We get it you’re an anti furry and think furries = people that abuse animals.

Fact is furries =/= abuse animals.



Alex: its a heck of a narcotic :nerd_face: you probably should stop snorting it.

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Yeah we’re not talking about priests and kids. We are talking about how the Dracthyr are very obviously a furry/scaley race and I added that furries are weird which they are.

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My feelings on the priesthood are irrelevant to this discussion.

and you are saying all furries are degenerates?

pal, there is furries going around in hospitals lifting spirits, help kids be good people, an even helping starbucks go on strike for a better paying job.

i definitely know yer wrong about you’re labeling, specially since you dont need to be a furry, to be a degenerate…


Oh but you brought up

Which lead to where we are now.

So due to you asking a question it came and looped back around.

Pretty much. That stuff exists in all spaces and it’s up to the space to kick em out and report to the FBI cause well… that is a crime after all and people that do that should be punished.

Also sorry that the thread got into this topic cause someone responded to my first post with something that then snowballed from there.

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I just call them fake dragons