Dracthyr are a clever allegory for being trans and I am HERE for it

Seriously hats off to Blizzard, I just finished the starting zone and as a transwoman myself I felt so incredibly seen doing this. Enemies calling you aberration, feeling like you don’t belong but fighting through it anyway, you being able to switch bodies, having a “true self” and and a visage, even the dialogue of choosing a visage being something you feel comfortable with that represents you - it being a choice that ONLY you can make, the mantra of “we WILL find our place in this world” despite people hating us, Cindrethresh being a badass LGBTQ icon… its just chefs kiss.

I have waited for trans representation in this game for SO long.



Much love to you! Hoping for your continued happiness

Uhhhh… Alright.


sounds like lots of parties in goldshire!

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Dont takeee the bait.


Does OP even realize that OP is not on the Retail forums, but is on the vanilla Classic forums instead?

And that Dragon race’s story sounds a lot like that of the Worgen, who were added many years ago with Cataclysm. It seems the most like Blizz is copying that.


Two things.

  1. Wrong category.
  2. I think personally that’s a bit of a stretch, but glad you feel something positive out of it! :slight_smile:
  3. As mentioned, this is similar to the worgen and DK storylines.

I posted this awhile back:

Some nuggets of good discussion hidden in the depths of that particular thread. They banished it to the story forum for no reason.

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I’m glad it makes you feel good.
Still, I think that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Enjoy your game.


If they banished it to the section for stories, then perhaps it isn’t really the truth?

I mean, it can’t be worse than banishing it to the Classic forum! :smiley:

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Uh, do these “dragons” even breathe fire? The trailer shows them casting fire from their hands like every other humanoid. :woman_facepalming:

I don’t think it’s a stretch at all. There are probably many trans developers these days that wanted to insert themselves into the WoW universe.

I think it’s just a stretch that it was intentional. I could be wrong, but I suspect this is a happy coincidence. Either way, a win !

I don’t think it’s intentional. I mean, if you define yourself as a hammer, everything might look like nails.
I’m okay with it either way, but I think people are reading too much into it based on their personal beliefs.

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bro nobody cares

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I like this analogy.

If you can relate to a story and find multiple meanings then it’s good story telling. Sounds like there’s some good story telling going on in DF.

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We both know this person is making that up haha.

Right out of the SJW playbook.

“I am the cliche but unlike them i agree with you im forward thinking”.

This is relevant to classic how exactly?

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