And we are just pointing out that there are ways that similar (not exactly) effects can be implemented for a melee/tank…
This is totally subjective and you have no evidence that people wouldn’t enjoy something like I described.
Also, none of what anyone is suggesting adding, or design for melee has to have any effect on the Evoker class how you want the fantasy to be. Clearly there is a large amount of players that like the idea of raking claws, biting teethe and being the big bulky armored scaled beast that protects your team.
I just don’t see why people think it’s going to ruin the thing that exist by expanding it to include things that lots of people seem to want.
Seriously, if you think a melee version of the dragon race fantasy will be bad, then don’t play it… that’s what the ranged version is there for.
But again… I don’t know why I have to keep saying this… If Blizzard is going to release a new RACE and only give it 1 class to play, it should cover all necessary ROLES in a game where you need all rolls to play a huge portion of the content.
If they choose to open up Dracthyr to other classes, that would eliminate the need for melee Evoker class.
If the new philosophy, which I’ve proven over and over again is what the Dev’s are claiming, is to “play how you want” because we’re opening new classes to more races, and cross faction play, and massive customizations, then it seems weird to ignore a huge chunk of the player base.
Also…. Did I wake up in a world were half the people don’t actually know anything about dragons.
Even Deathwing in Hots had melee attacks along side fire breath. Since when has dragons ever only been a ranged casting type fantasy?
And lastly, of course nothing changes because “Frostwyrm” still references dragons. But I get your point, you think that a dragon class wouldn’t feel good to play if you can’t hold down a button to build up power, then release said button to blow fire… I mean I totally know what you mean, that does sound like more fun than pressing a few buttons to build up a resource, and then press a different button to cast a spell that uses that resource over time. Completely different feel.
Havoc DH uses Eye Beam but a Vengeance DH uses Fel Devastation… I wonder if Blizzard could use something similar for a melee/tank Evoker… Hmmm… seems possible.