Dracthry and Dragon Flying "Form" Idea

As we know Dracthry are the new dragons that we the players will be able to play as which is awesome! I still hope we get bigger bulkier bodies as an option but it has grown on me a bit. Something that still is odd to me and a few others is why the Dracthry cannot turn into proper dragons which has been said we cannot fit giant dragons into raids and dungeons which is understandable. But why not give the Dracthry a alternative form which is built into the Dragon riding system and customizable Dragon that we are getting. Basically allowing Dracthry to turn into proper dragons that we can customize, and there only purpose is being a mount for flying and movement. Basically built in Vial of Sands mount if you will but can be customized. That way people who wanted to be the big proper dragons at least have that tiny bit allowed for them.

I understand that the Dracthry already have flying but in the odd humanoid forms why not allow for both so people can either be the proper big dragon form or they can be humanoid flying. More options the better.

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I’d like for the dragon forms to be able to fly by themselves, sort of like the worgen’s “running wild” ability, but for the air.

I wouldn’t mind if they could turn into a bigger real dragon to fly with.


What I would have liked:

True form: a 50/50 humany/dragony form to be used in all content with it’s own unique female and male models that include wings and can wear and mog all mail armor. The models wouldn’t have to be pretty just project strength and power.

Dragon form: typical or even smaller fully-customizable actual dragon to do the dragonflight mode thing as well as working the same as mounts do in the rest of Azeroth.

From: What Are Warcraft Dragons To You? - #49 by Silverleigh-drakthul

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I think Blizzard’s dracthyr is fine. I just don’t know why they are limited to basic dragonflight. Why clip their wings like that.


I get basic dragon riding as a racial trait, that makes sense. Having it upgraded would be unfair to other players. I DO wish that as you unlocked it though you had the choice of using your own wings, or using the customisable mount.

I also wish they got a mount for for the old world so we could use our own wings to fly too. As a previous poster said, making it like Running Wild. Since flight is a bigger advantage than a ground mount, just make it so it acts like a normal mount. It would poof when you tried to herb or interact with things, and then you would recast it.

I can’t say I love the idea of being forced into my Visage form to ride a flying mount when I have my own wings. -_-

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I wouldn’t expect anything less. of course we should have to progress it like everyone else.

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See and that is what kinda off puts me and a few other of my friends. Why cant we fly when we have our own wings. Why do I need another dragon to help me do something I should be able to do. And being put into our Visage form is just super odd its like they recognized that its odd that our dragon players cannot fly by themselves so they did a “Fix” which is just the visage forced for flying on a dragon mount. The likleyhood of them allowing us to actually be the dragon for dragon riding is low but I hope that somehow blizzard sees this post!


Well, I wouldn’t mind just even flying in the Dracthyr model. I don’t need a full on Dragon model. I understand what your’re saying though. I think I heard the dev’s reasoning for shoving us in Visage was that a winged creature on top a winged creature looked odd, and all I could think of was “you don’t say!” :stuck_out_tongue:


I believe blizzard has said dracthyr will be able to do this, and that they have a unique interaction with the dragon riding system

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From what I’ve seen they get basic dragon riding as a racial trait, but eventually they will have to level it up and use the mount like everyone else. I have also seen it said that in old world and with normal mounts, while they will still have that basic dragon riding system, if they want to fly old mount style they will need to use a mount.

That said, there are so many interviews in so many places that it’s kinda hard to keep this all straight. I could be working on outdated information.

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that is very true the interviews are all over the place and there has been some conflicting information. I do really hope that drakthyr are able to have flying with a “running Wild” like ability. It doesn’t even have to have the advantages of something like druids flight form. it would just be so silly for the dragon race to not be able to fly

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