What Are Warcraft Dragons To You?

Huge, majestic scaly beasts that project an aura of dominance, permanence and acuity.

Basically, Surristrasz (located on the Amber Ledge in Borean Tundra).

The following line really grabbed me:

Even the halls of the Wyrmrest Temple, built specifically for dragons, are too small for their true forms (at least, as they are shown in-game).

Because the first time I was flown up to the third floor, I was confused by the lack of dragons. Then I saw Chromie, realized what was going on and was disappointed. When I looked at the building later, I assumed it had been built by and for a different race and we repurposed it for the dragons according to our own ideas, not theirs. (Yes, I was unaware of a lot of lore at the time.)

For me, it is the in-game presentation that causes the disconnect.

And it is a disappointment. When I interact with a dragon I would like to interact with a dragon, not their ‘visage’. (I am also not thrilled with the ‘visage’ idea. They are dragons, they should be able to shape-shift to whatever at will.)

(And the whole I am riding around on their kids thing also throws me off so my head cannon is that drakes are the dragon’s animal cousins the way in RL, monkeys are ours.)

But the Dracthry aren’t dragons.

And their ‘true’ form is not a dragon, it is not a 'huge, majestic scaly beast that project an aura of dominance, permanence and acuity. '.

It isn’t even a human-sized majestic scaly beast that project an aura of dominance, permanence and acuity. Or a human-sized majestic scaly beast. Or a human-sized scaly beast.

It’s just a skinny scaly human-shaped dragonoid. And an ugly skinny scaly human-shaped dragonoid, at that!

And, worse, from my view, unisex.

No, dragons do not have any defining sexual characters but, again, dracthyr are not dragons. If they were, I would be fine with the unisex and happy at being able to play an actual dragon!

And I don’t have any interest in playing in their humanoid/‘visage’ form either as it is just Blood Elf part 3 and Human part 3 with some new ‘pretty dragon’ customizations. I already have three human characters and three blood elf characters, that’s more than enough.

What I would have liked:

True form: a 50/50 humany/dragony form to be used in all content with it’s own unique female and male models that include wings and can wear and mog all mail armor. The models wouldn’t have to be pretty just project strength and power.

Dragon form: typical or even smaller fully-customizable actual dragon to do the dragonflight mode thing as well as working the same as mounts do in the rest of Azeroth.

Or either of those things!

I love the majority of ideas put forth for the new expansion and, if I am still playing, I will still enjoy exploring the new zones, fiddling with my talent tree (can’t wait for that!), learning to dragonride and customizing my personal dragon.

I just won’t be playing the new race/class. Not because I see dragons as pretty elven humanoids but because the dragon part of either form is not actually very dragony to me but more lizardy or elveny.