Any chance of Draconic Augment Runes dropping from sources other than Call to Arms bags from dungeons? Since the Command Tables/Mission Tables are no longer a thing in Dragonflight the amount of Runes available has plummeted and the prices have skyrocketed to nearly 3k gold per single Rune. I know you’re going to say “just do the Call to Arms” but the thing is I’m a Mythic raider and also an avid M+'er so the amount of Runes I would go through for progression and pushing keys wouldn’t even last me a night even if I did 10 Call to Arms. And I’d also rather not spend 60k-90k gold a night for Runes. There’s no requirement in our raid team to actually use Runes however I feel like like I’m letting the team down by not using them.
They should absolutely drop from Dirt, Packs, and Raid bosses.
I kinda like how scarce they are, means I make lots of money.
what they could do is make them craftable by inscription so the profession isn’t quite so dead.
Yeah for sure, Runes being craftable would be a nice option too
Ha ha, I forgot these even existed.
They probably went up to 3k this week because the call to arms bag has barely been available this week. Which I find ironic because if I queue for a heroic dungeon as tank it’s still less than 1 minute queue. But when the bag is available my queue takes 5-10 minutes.
how do ppl even get them?
ive been doing all kinds of activites and dont have any heh. i still use the veiled augment runes beauce the new ones are simply too expensive for something that cancels on death.
you can only get them from call to arms in the group finder iirc
so they’re really only available to tanks/healers.
They need to bring them back to LFR lol. It was one of the main reasons for running LFR.
On the plus side, it serves as a little more motivation for healer and tanks to queue up.
However, 3k is way too much for something that disappears after death. I was quite disappointed to discover the eternal augment rune not working at level 70.
Yeah, problem is the bag always goes away for X amount of time after you run one dungeon. I’ll queue up and get into a dungeon and look at queue before last boss, says join as party with bag up. As soon as last boss dies, every time, the bag goes away. The shortage isn’t hitting the threshold magically everytime I complete a dungeon, they put a cooldown on the bag.
I should get a rune for every 2 keys levels.
BUMP! While they can technically be obtained by any role/class, the frequency of getting “call to arms” as a pure dps class make these literally impossible to obtain. The cost on AH is astronomical, especially for an item that doesn’t persist through death (currently 1600+ gold each).
As others have mentioned, now that mission/command tables are gone, there’s very limited opportunities to get these. Perhaps make them craftable? Give us a repeatable quest through one of the 4 new factions? Something…
player behavior issue, devs don’t need to lay a finger on this.
I don’t mind it. One less thing to worry about on raid night, since no one is going to require their use given how hard they are to get.
I still have like 1500 of the SL ones that I use whenever I remember to…
How do you figure? In previous expansions, these were obtainable through other methods OTHER than just Call to Arms for everyone. They removed the one method that most of us had to obtain them and should have introduced something to replace it.
I still use the old ones as well, but would LOVE another method to getting the new ones other than Call to Arms.
what do you mean how do i figure? blizz isn’t setting the prices…
and tbh i don’t think 1600g makes these unobtainable…is gold an issue or something now?
oversaturating the market with a specific consumable because very few people can’t afford them isn’t a good idea imo. at least not for the long term health of the game.
I assume there’s going to be an infinite one at some point like they’ve done since…WoD? Or was it Legion? /shrug
Can I obtain them, yes, but only via AH, or the VERY rare chance there is a call to arms for a pure dps role.
1600g per item racks up when you’re in a progression raid group that wipes a lot (yes, I know the wiping isn’t Blizz’s fault).
You’re still ignoring the fact that blizz removed the main method of obtaining these without a viable replacement.