Draconic Augment Rune scarcity

My guess, it won’t be for a long time. The one offered in SL was at the tail end of the expansion during the last raid tier.

still a player issue…you don’t have to use an augment rune on a progression/hw encounter? especially if they’re too expensive. what the…

yeah they removed the loot tables…we are all sad about this…i’m pretty sure i made over a million on that system alone last xpac. def felt nice to earn that much without having to do anything :moneybag:

btw the system you described made those augment runes worthless last xpac. and flooded the market with them. that’s probably why you feel conditioned to use them on progression nights.

anyway, at least this is a good money making method if you’re playing a less popular role. :revolving_hearts:

Actually, prior to the rep reusable item, they were still selling for 500g each.

Indeed. How many folks actually engaged with LFG for the express purpose of augments in SL? Very few, when you could get them much more easily from the mission table.

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Bumping bc they are still stupid scarce and it was a terrible decision. Why even make a rune for the new expansion if most people can’t afford to use them? The fact that people regularly use the veiled augment runes from a past expansion because these are so uncommon/expensive shows they messed up on this. It needs to be changed so it’s obtainable by others at least somewhat more frequently besides tanks/healers queueing in dungeon/raid finder for roles in need. Why did they change augment rune obtainability when there was nothing wrong with the way they were obtained in past expansions? It wasn’t broken, it didn’t need changed. NOW it’s broken.

They should absolutely drop from world content. I get tired of seeing threads about high ilvl tanks ruining queued content.

Queue as a tank for LFR and you will always get draconic augment runes :wink:

This is a pretty solid reward for CTA. I wish they’d apply it to shuffle.

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The point of augment runes is to provide a gold incentive to engage with content that is not regularly engaged with.

Shadowlands heroic dungeons and raids were perpetually on CTA because augments were not a proper carrot on a stick. Your argument about the availability of SL augments proves they were a failure. They aren’t supposed to be common candy.

If you want to fix the CTA problem without augments, bring back mount satchels. But DPS Andies would mald about that so here we are.

I assume the real issue affecting rarity is that queueing for a dungeon while the bag is up us bugged. As a healer, bag queues can be in excess of half an hour. It’s bad enough that I specifically avoid queueing while the bag is up, and that gives some insight into the shortage; I used to be the kind of person who would always always queue up for the bag because selling the runes was so great.

I haven’t even SEEN the bag as an option as a healer.

If it drops a “bag”, that bag should have a chance at Augment Runes.