DR Lock Talent tree


Instant corruption being a talent is whack. It should be absolutely free for Aff locks.
Yay for soul Swap, although it’s a dumbed down version. Literally the SPriest talent.
I like the perma Corruption / Siphon Life as a choice node.
Love the new Vile Taint, and how Sow the Seeds can ramp up Agony.
Soul Flame has potential to be very, very satisfying.
Love that Death Bolt is a thing.
:frowning: Soul Rot. I’m so tired of this spell.

TL;DR More excited for Aff AOE potential than ST potential, which isn’t usual.

How is DOOOOOOM still around? lmao.
I like Gul’dans Ambition and Hold This for Me.

Not really sure how I feel about Destro. I’ve mentally checked out on this spec for a while. It reads like it’ll play exactly as it does on live.

Also, I noticed Wilfreds is in every spec tree… so… why isn’t it just on the class side? Just comes across as a lazy last minute addition.


So let me get this straight… All specs can summon the Jailer (not Zovaal) and Demo gets to summon a PIT LORD FROM NP!?

Lemme say that a gain… in a voice of Mace Windu.

A Pit LORD!?

Also the center talent for Demo being Doom is weird. Accrued Vitality being required to take Demonic Circle is also weird.


My initial thoughts after reading through every talent is that this is one of the better sets of talent trees.


i saw at least one tooltip imply that Hand of Doom may be back so Doom may be worthwhile again?

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I hope so.

Also with Spell Lock being baseline, does that mean Demo Locks essentially have 2 interrupts?

Unless they made Axe Toss not interrupt things.

Warlocks… we got our Pit Lord.




Love what I’m seeing on the right side of the class tree.

Soulburn sealed the deal for me with instant gateways and movement boost from Demonic Circle Teleport. Probably will do right side of Destro too.

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Honestly, the one thing that really disappoints me in demonology’s tree is that Inner Demons got no changes.

I love the flavor and theme of that talent but I’m not sure if it pulls it’s weight. It’s random demons should be proc based with a chance to proc every time we summon other demons.

I think it’s worth allocating!

Aff- I think affliction sucks solely because malefic rupture is still in the game. The capstone talent calamitous crescendo seems mandatory not for performance but just to make the rotation somewhat fun. Having vile taint apply agony and CoE is really really good and old school haunts full functionality is nice. But MR single handidly ruins any fun I would have with affliction.

Destro- With no dark soul and a better emphasis on incinerate, you can take all the fun talents that live destro never takes like shadowburn, soulfire, and channel demonfire. More options is just fun so im happy on that front. also, BACKLASH IS BACK BABY!
overall I think destro comes off as the winner and seems way more interesting than live destro.

Demo- Some good options, but my fear is rearing its ugly head… Demonic consumption. I truly truly want this talent to vanish, turning stamina/health into a dps stat and the nature of the playstyle is so degenerate and unhealthy. My biggest worry is it overtakes the other options and its just the same gameplay we’ve had for years. My build would actually just not use the Tyrant at all, that’s how much i hate it. Also, implosion remains instead of demon wrath sadly.

But aside from that, we can summon a pitlord!!! Oh my god…I hope they fix nether portal itself to work off soul shards spent finally so you can do your normal rotation. also the Fel Lord Zakuun ability “hold this for me” looks awesome and doom w/ kazzak buffer and fel strike being aoe… For a first draft this is really good and im happy about it.

This would be my first look demonology build making a menagerie focused build. You could maybe go all the pacts and maybe a felguard focused one. Dunno what inquistor’s eye does but sounds like it could be a perma pet maybe?

No Meta for demo, i’m crying lol xD


Overall I’m pretty happy, i wish that the affliction tree had the corruption slow in it somewhere instead of one of the other legendary effects but oh well, you can’t have everything i guess :woman_shrugging:

Sacrolash is there. You can aoe apply exhaustion with vile taint and keep it going forever.

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But you get a pit lord

Theres a very important talent in aff tree. Malefic rapture will extend your dots by 2 seconds every time you use it

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I love aff’s tree. They brought Haunt back to its WOTLK state by allowing it to heal you again and made its modifiers pretty strong - 20% increase dmg to all targets when used, nasty.
We got Soul swap, soul rot, death bolt, dark glare, dmg modifiers to corruption and agony. Harvester of souls looks interesting and fun.

warlock class tree is giving all specs lots of surv, heals / shields. So many tools to help your warlock survive, it’s great.

My fear for affliction is Malefic rupture. I can totally see this one spell weakening the spec due to its insane spread pressure in pvp.

Destro looks interesting – I think this spec is the least changed rotation-wise. Meaning is very similar to how it is on live right now still.

I see them trying to add other viable options like shadowban, but i still think its overshadowed by chaos bolt. The Havoc wannabee passive is still inferior in pvp imo.
At least all specs can use Dimensional rift if they wanted to :D.

To me, the demo feels like it needs the most work out of all the specs. i feel like there is just too much to get and too many points in a certain area, like the tyrant modifiers. So many just to make it feel good.

But, i do like that we can focus on a Pet DMG mainly build vs Demonfire burst dmg build. that’s neat.

Watched Dalaran Gaming try out the Pit Lord thing, it’s an actual, pretty beefy Pit Lord, no short change. Satisfying stuff. Assuming a build with both isn’t meta, I’ll gladly take my Demo down the Portal + Pit Lord route opposed to the Tyrant.

Also regarding the Inquisitors Eye, obviously it’s bugged (10 sec CD, 1 hour duration).
But I hope it isn’t a CD. Last week it was datamined to spawn for 8 secs everytime a Soul Shard is filled. That sounds so much more interactive.
I loved the idea of having several eye balls floating about.

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