DR Lock Talent tree

Soulfire NEEDS to be affected by backdraft. 4 sec base cast doesn’t translate well in near any current playing environment.


Class tree looks great to me. Lots of tankiness, not too much throughput outside of the bottom two rows.

Aff is pretty awesome. Not really sure what to say other than I cannot wait to play this in keys.

Destro is meh. Maybe I just need to play it to really get a feel for it, but it just kind of seems like a lot of abilities and passives we’ve had over the years thrown together. I don’t see a real theme going on for any particular path. Meh. I hasn’t been particularly engaging since MoP, so I guess it doesn’t look worse than it has for years.

Demo is obviously a disappointment without Meta, but I guess this is really the deathknell. If there was a chance of it coming back this feels like it was it. In general I feel like I’m missing a strong theme for different parts of the tree.

If you look at the Assassination tree, every talent on the right side except for Shadow Step interacts with bleeds. The left and center are clearly pointing you to poisons and finishers. Devastation is clearly split between Red and Blue. Ele has Lightning and Fire. Balancing aside, it is compelling from an RPG perspective to have talents that are related grouped together. Why is Imp Gang Boss so far from Implosion? Why do I have to take Doom or Demonic Meteor to take Ripped Through The Portal?


You know how long I been asking for a summonable pit lord?! Making nether portal viable means summoning an army of demons then top it off with a pit lord, doesn’t get more warlock than that.

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Real talk, demo has some good flavor, but it feels like it’s just got way to much damage spread all over the tree. Idk it just seems messy.


I really like the affliction tree but I am not happy to see malefic wrath coming back. I hate that kind of maintenance buff. It also looks to be really easy to get and hard to avoid.

The class tree is solid; I find myself wishing I could take more, which is great, but also not feeling like I’m ending up with less than we currently have. Plenty of survivability and utility options, new and improved alike. I’m not a huge fan of passive damage talents in the class tree, since they basically become must picks, but at least ours are a bit more interesting than others (2% crit, etc). I feel the last two rows need some more connections between the nodes, but that’s a small thing.

Spec trees are interesting. They’re all very strong, and definitely “above average”, relative to other released classes, but they do feel a bit too… messy? In some ways, it feels like they just threw in a lot of stuff from the past few expansions, but didn’t always give a lot of thought as to how it would work together when you’re able to get a lot of these talents with one another. On top of that, there’s not any clear themes to the right vs left of trees. It doesn’t feel like Devastations’ Red - Purple - Blue, or Ele’s Nature - Fire, etc. It’s just a bunch of stuff really loosely organized. Easy to fix (demo, for example, could be Big Demons - Personal Damage - Little Demons), but as it is now, it feels like it’s just going to come down to what sims highest, not what’s thematically coherent. =

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Alright, I read over some of the talents and some are in weird places like many trees, Examples are pact of annihilan and rain of fire for destro since you can take the pact but not grab rain of fire (ik it would be a dumb choice, but the -choice- is still there.)

Dimensional rift with all specs but destro is weird since only destro uses shard unless they plan to change that.

Demo and decmating bolt is weird since it says that it works with demonbolt but you can skip demon bolt like with destro pact of annihilan and rain of fire.

Wilfreds is stuck in a weird place because our demon cds are skip able so they shoehorned it in with other better alternatives or worse alternative in some cases.

Girmore of syrngry is baseline while sacerfice is stuck on aff which means you can take both which don’t work with each other for obvious reasons.

And this one is just a personal issue but they don’t have any way to make a doomguard a perma summon on aff or destro trees would not work with demo’s tree because of felguard theme.

The warlock trees are weird if you actually look around on them and compare them to the general tree. You can skip or make useless talents, which sure most people won’t do but if you got that one memer in your group who knows what he will do.


Wait but wilfreds is directly under all 3 summons.
How is it in a weird spot?

i hate malefix rapture i hate malefix rapture i hate malefix rapture


Because all of them can take it so it’s a general talent but it’s on a warlock spec tree every time since the cds are skippable

If phantom singularity still has to be a thing, what do you think the odds are blizzard will realize a 45s CD doesn’t make sense and adjust it to either 30 or 1m with appropriate damage tuning like they did with unholy CDs