DPS tier list ranking for raids out

Wrong, but I’m glad I could waste your time since you’re trying hard to look up my achievements etc…anyways I’m glad you could provide zero imput on why tier lists are terrible.

I didn’t look at just achieves. I was checking your druid out also.

You should spend more time checking out why tierlists are bad and maybe you too can understand why we make fun of them.

lol okay :wink:

rip all the classes in C and B . unplayable and will never get invited

*Unless you are in a guild then the list doesn’t matter.

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Season 1 BFA Ret was top tier… ended pretty quickly though.

They don’t matter at all unless you’re pushing cutting edge level stuff. Any class is capable of performing what 99% of this player base does on the daily, hence why tier lists are trash.

Destro 4 life

Why is markmen hunter toping dps in raid logs right now then?

Marksmanship promoted from C to B to reflect that it will likely be played on encounters such as Primal Council, Dathea, and Broodkeeper (strategies permitting). As one of the strongest burst AOE specs in the game with the Heavy Ammo buffs.

oh man, shammy nerfs inc. big time.

not just enh either. gonna take ele down to D tier too because that’s how blizz rolls lol

Pure dps wise Marksmen hunter seems to be the highest dps.

Problem with hunter in general right now is that they provide no utility, and their survivability is bottom tier.

Is this list factoring in those things?

Yes, definitely. I’m assuming that’s also why balance druids are so high up as well even though they aren’t doing high DPS.

But the list could also be wrong about those two things, who knows :dracthyr_shrug:

I believe Ret Pallies are a broken class. Doesn’t look good.