Dps DKs make us tougher or return to mop-wod

And most people that cling on to things such as that are not pushing CE and care about a 10% spread from top to bottom.

Honestly, the only change DK deserves is making Breath baseline and rebalancing around it, but that probably won’t happen until 9.0.

You know a spec is bad when it relies on stacking heaps of haste just to make it not play like slow garbage. This isn’t just a problem with Frost, but also with Unholy, and why I haven’t played the game since November.

Bring back Runic Tattoos, Harbinger of Doom, Scourge the Unbeliever, and Double Doom(as a passive, not a talent that requires us sacrificing another talent.) Bring back ghoul explosions that scale with mastery, and the debuffs they applied. Screw it, just bring back every artifact trait to fix the boring pile of garbage unholy has become. Why break something so good? Why not keep what was had and move forward instead of taking it all away?

I don’t care about high numbers if the class I want to play has uninteresting gameplay.


i agree they dropped the ball by not bringing more traits over


yes interesting game play is what keeps people playing

Oh yes I’d kill to have those back

interesting game play would bring people back. we need variety in how we play

5 mans aren’t the problem, really.

Well that’s what I wasn’t sort of getting at. Seems like people find them to be lack lustre in raids from what I’ve reading. Do DK do pretty well in 5 man dungeons?

Blood and unholy are both very strong in 5 mans, but as others have pointed out the toolkit is very shallow and dull.

there was horn that did 10% str
power of the grave that gave mastery

What’s sad is I like the concept of frost more than the other specs. Too bad it seems to be struggling too much.

never should have reinvented the wheel just change or tweek some stuff here n there

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Blood has always been solid, but unholy is propped up by Reaping. Once reaping goes away, unholy fades back into obscurity.

As far as raids, that’s where DK’s have always felt lacking in things they can provide. It makes sense in that DK’s were always self-oriented and not providing benefits to others(as was their fantasy in Wrath, where they were incredibly strong but with little in the ways of group-wide benefits to compensate.) However, as this theme has faded over time, you end up getting a class that provides no significant utility, but isn’t compensated for it in any other way. This was a big problem in MoP in particular.

Now, every DPS spec is a damage-bot with maybe one or two utility buttons. The point I am getting at here is that, perhaps, there is a greater fundamental problem that DK’s are just a symptom of. Perhaps they should go back to the drawing board and focus on an actual class fantasy, and not just a spec fantasy. Each spec is pretty much its own class now, which is probably the reason why everything feels so watered down and indistinct; there’s only so many ways you can slice a cake.


yeah blood is ok now, but blood was better in wod with its migration

abominations might would have fit the dks bring stuff to the raid.

dk class fantasy was doing ok before this arthas in halls bs they thought was better for us.

oblit needs to do extra damage with diseases on the target

blood plague should be brought back

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oh yeah non frost stuff should be brought back all ice all the time is eh


non Frost abilities would be welcome


I would play my Frost DK again if all that was brought back

classes should be interesting

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I remember back in MoP we’d always top the charts, and I also remember soloing TBC dungeons at level 60. Can’t do any of that anymore.

pre legion such good times

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I would have some hope for frost if tweeting the devs did anything

This scares me on how long this has gone on.