Dps DKs make us tougher or return to mop-wod

oh yeah we’re slow yup that other part nope


But we’re supposed to be menacing. :relaxed:


Yes, please. Presences for DKs, auras for pallies, and stances for warriors.

I miss these things. They added fun gameplay.


fun sorta. more engaging and interesting gameplay yes

i raged some when berserk’r stance went way and the others follow’d some time later


Interesting and engaging gameplay = fun, imo.

I still have my stance dancing macros. You could really set up some plays by switching correctly.

It was fun. :slight_smile:


Ahaha you my friend are humorous. This post was so funny i laughed until tears rolled down.

But no on a serious note head over to the dk forums and you will see what a wonderful spot dks are in. With replies from geared experienced players who actually play the class.

Guarantee you wouldn’t have saw that much negativity about the legion iteration of dks. Especially unholy.

Unholy can make some serious plays in m+ with the proper setup. Only spec I am aware of that can burst to over 1,000,000 dps.

That’s only in very specific instances though. Overall, it needs some love.

Coming from a BG perspective i would love to see a return to WoD for the FDK. It was definitely my favourite build. I ran a DW/Versatility build and i didn’t see that many running around so it couldn’t have been super overpowered. ( I did do very well with him)

So because i enjoyed him…

I played a lot
Hit super form
Got the best gear with conquest points (pvp vendors with multiple gear choices)
Had a great time
Kept playing
I even started leading Ashran and winning
Won the Glad Sanctum multiple times without help (saying yes to an Alliance with everyone who asked in the warm up room doesnt count hehe)

I tried to stick with him in Legion but by the time BFA came out i just couldn’t do it anymore as most of my memories from Legion are me running around chasing people all day bloody long.

The fact is these current devs have destroyed everything i enjoyed about the game. I’ve even had to leave my server after it went 95% Alliance thanks to server transfers.

Sometimes i wish i was a 2 digit IQ pleb so these things didn’t bother me so much :slight_smile:

Ps: resubbed for the first time since Christmas 4 days ago and still i haven’t even stepped out of town… Maybe i’ll play next weekend or whatever.


i’m to worried bout pvp now. it was better in wod cuz i was helpful. now im a joke to be kited and killed


really guys death knights should not be held in this holding pattern. their abilities are doing the same as Auto Attack and Frost Fever it is not right


I’m honestly curious why you feel they are in an amazing spot? Please, elaborate, I’m sure most of us are interested in how DK’s (especially frost) are “in an amazing spot…”

I typcially play frost, but please tell me how last on the DPS charts, the least mobile class in the game, the worst class for downtime (the spec with the least amount of actions per minute), having 1 talent by your primary form of dps therefore forcing every player into a specific playstyle, which leads to 20 seconds of dps and button pressing every 2 minutes, while the rest is waiting.

And that’s just PVE related, PVP has it even worse.
Even Blizzard knows this which is why they are increasing frost DK’s rune generating ability by quite a bit.


Maximum exposer I see

Grinds my gears that they are doing this. Devs please give us the other half of this fantasy you made for us. Nobody is having any kind of fun buy being a joke.

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MOP DkS were better


If they made wod DA and replaced mop DA then yes mop all the way

Bring over the traits that made our abilities so great in legion

In my humble opinion dps dks need to be more competitive and more fun to play.

Basically they need:
-better single target dps
-faster rune regeneration rates
-more movement speed

Some good additional changes would be:
-Remove frost dk’s reliance on breath of sindragosa (I hate that talent)
-Change unholy dks’ festering wound to behave like current combo points instead of vanilla combo points


Why can’t frost dk have a permanent ghoul pet to summon and make it a talent mmm replace icecap with it or permafrost

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Thing is, with Path of Frost, Gnomish Death Knights are actually more mobile vs. puddles than their living kin…

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I normally have trouble deciding if I want to main DK or War.

this expansion playing DK feels terrible. I never loved unholy, but I HATE frost this expansion beyond belief

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Yeahi feel ya i’m bout to get om my war alt and go to town leveling

Head over to any forum and I am sure it is full of people complaining their class is bad. In the grand scheme of things a ~15% from absolute best to absolute worst is about par for the course. Especially since both raids are ranged favored.