Downtime Explanation: Blizzard finally fixed teleport / fly hacks l!

You probably were aware WoW just had massive, excessive downtime. Blizzard was silent as to why. But…

Blizzard apparently fixed teleport / fly hacks. 1 year later, despite tens of thousands of comments from paying customers, thousands of report tickets, despite Blizzard not commenting on this, they finally fixed it.

Fly / teleport hacks enabled botters to:

  • Automate Black Lotus instant farming
  • Solo MC and AQ raid bosses by floating in air and attacking thru the floor
  • Sell ZG power level runs
  • Sell DM clears
  • Level up gold farmers near instant

There was literally dozens of videos posted of these hacks across the year. Blizzard was absolutely silent on it.

Was the fix hard? No. Other server operators fixed it by a $5/month VPS doing simple character coordinate SQL queries. Ie, if your character moves too fast, flags and ban.

Why did it take Blizzard a year to fix this, despite the massive proof of it’s existence, the huge detrimental impact to the game, and the ease of fixing it? My opinion: Stupid people making stupid choices and not valuing customers with the respect they deserve.

What are your thoughts?


“It seems that it has been fixed. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to make it work again. Teleport is a complicated hack and a server-side fix is enough to break it.”

Jesus, Blizzard, that is pathetic.


If its fixed good. Took them too long but happy it fixed now and not going to dwell on it.


Well I’d agree with you up to the point of it being an easy fix.

This isn’t necessarily applicable to Classic WoW. On the surface it seems like it would be easily achievable but without actually being able to look under the hood it’s nearly impossible to say for sure.

That said, you’re probably right. They probably could have fixed it sooner. I don’t really trust today’s Blizz with doing a great job but I’m not going to go screaming and ranting about something I don’t really know anything about either.

Also, they didn’t take a year to ban bots. They took a year to fix the hack. Those are two different things with an entirely different scope of work. One could take 5 minutes while the other takes 5 months.


Holy crap… we really missed out on some benefits… They likely didn’t ban a single one of them either


Unfortunately your thought here is likely vastly shared by Blizzard’s customers.

The easiest start to fixing this issue would simple be this: Better communicate with your customers.

I would never higher you for anything which pays more than $2/hour.



Some of the output of our educational institutions are indeed frightening.

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This is good news! Why be so negative? Thanks for sharing. I don’t use reddit though.


blizzard finally fixes the single biggest complaint in the classic wow community, teleporting and fly hacking.

Wtf why so long to fix it takes 2 seconds? Do you not even know how to do basic coding?
-WoW community

Gives the China man another $300 for 20,000 gold to buy their alt the next stormguard badge that drops in their next gdkp
-also the WoW community


Finally, I can now make a good profit selling Major Manas from DM again

They’re still botting lol. Those aren’t teleport hacks. Or at least not entirely.

IT’s great that they’re working on it, but the chance we see teleporting/fly hacks again is very high.

DM:N Hunter Flyers & ZG Flyers still alive on Rattlegore. Maybe they are just still trying to script?

So they give you what you have been asking for and your response is “why did it take so long” SMH.

There’s alot more that goes on behind the scenes when applying a fix.

Correct. For example, failing to communicate with Blizzard’s customers, failing to respect the relationship with them, failing to fund proper support, etc.


Especially since they know the hack-makers are going to improve their hacks.

Blizzard needs to HARSHLY punish high latency by disconnecting players who are over 500ms. (This is usually some one who is lag switching)

If I can play from the Pacific Time zone to a sketchy russian private server @150ms, then you can play from where ever you to a regional server @ or under 150ms.