Downtime Explanation: Blizzard finally fixed teleport / fly hacks l!

I don’t know much, but I can tell you about bug-fixing based on my 32 years as a software dev.

Step 1 in bug-fixing is making it happen on the devs’ computer. Repeatedly. Over and over. Devs call this “reproducing the problem”. Devs can’t work on fixing a bug until they can reproduce it. Usually steps 2 on are quick, once reproducing happens.

Most of the many player posts about this gave NO clue about how it was done. They didn’t offer a way to fix it. Nobody “saw” anything, since what players saw was created by software. So how did the devs finally reproduce this? By tracking internet sites and power-levelers? I don’t know.

There was no proof. Your screen isn’t a camera. There are no real objects. Pixels are fake. You could only prove “my screen showed something that looks like teleporting”, which could easily be a bug in your screen software.

Nonsense. Solo queues for BGs have gotten many more posts than this bug. There may be 3 or 4 other topics that have had more complaints. Stop being over-dramatic, in your attempt to make Blizzard look bad.


Did you even read my comment?

Those hacks are out there on Google and all it takes is a simple search. Everything is there for Blizzard to see. They could be on top of this 24/7.

Or you know… Blizzard could spend $30 for the wow Admin tools hack to see how they do it and fix it.

But you all are going to make excuses for them and talk about reproducingm bug fixing, trial and error yadda yadda…

Blizz doesn’t have $30 in the budget to fix a hack their best customers in china use.



The hacks are extremely well known. The fix is already extremely well know (ps do it easily).

Blizzard is negligent and doesn’t respect it’s customers enough to operate with open communication and with integrity.

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Anybody hears if fly teleport hacks are back?

You are probably right because if they did ban them we would hear about the ban-wave like the last one they announced