Blizzard, why do we have double nerfed drums? First you changed the radius and said we would get real drums as a rare recipe from ZA. Cool? One nerf sure
Then you listened to the community and realized tinnitus was the better fix, 2min cd on drums, amazing.
Because even with the tinnitus debuff, you still require every group to have a leatherworker. so 20% of the raid may be forced to give up their profession slot.
Sure, some melee might not mind, but they would have to give up key party buffs to be spread in each group. Not fun. So either way, someone has to sacrifice their prof slot/DPS in the name of minmaxing, which is where blizz steps in:
Add in the 8 yd limit (the 8 yd limit was in original TBC until ZA/Sunwell), and more guilds will choose not to bother with it, while still allowing more hardcore/coordinated guilds to make use of it.
If drums had a short range in early TBC patches, they didn’t have tinnitus debuff. If we’re doing #somechanges it should at least some balance to it.
Regardless of how you feel, that’s what happened in TBC. Making them feel worse to use does nothing to solve your problem. It’s still a dumb aura profession, but now it requires you stack for the effect and has a cast time.