Last week, while I still have the few days left from Welcome to Azeroth bundle, I had my debit card number changed.
After I updated the card number on my subscription, it billed me immediately 2 payments. The first is the “testing” fee, which got refunded immediately. The other is the sub cost.
This week, the billing day has come, and I found that the bank account charged me the subscription cost again. But when I check the Recent Activity on this website, it only shows the sub only got billed on the billing day.
I wonder whether I would have the first subscription cost (on the day I updated the card number) refunded.
The duplicate charge is almost certainly an authorization hold that will drop off after a maximum of 3 business days. It happens with failed charges. The money hasn’t actually been taken out, it’s just on hold. This is standard practice for all banks. I work for a bank so I’m very familiar with this.
It confuses a lot of people because they just see their balance reduce and don’t know how it works. First the bank places a hold on the funds. The merchant will only collect the actual payment (which they have 72 hours to do). Since Blizzard obviously isn’t going to take the subscription fee twice, the hold will drop off.
From the original time of your OP, its only been three business days. I would wait and see what happens in a couple more, but it could very well take 8-10. Usually it only takes 3-5 but to be on the safer side a lot of salepoints like to say 3-8 to be safe.
Unusual behavior to take so long, but not unexpected.
Monday was a federal holiday as well so that doesn’t count. Hopefully it gets sorted out soon for you. I know I’ve spent time watching for double charges to drop off. So far I’ve never had one that doesn’t, may that also be your experience.
Call your bank. They should be able to confirm that it’s just an authorization hold. If they say otherwise, and it doesn’t drop off automatically within a few days, you can submit a ticket under billing.
Good news! On this earlier late night (technically a Monday 10th in my time zone), I received the authorization hold money back on my account.
Thank you everyone for the help.