Dotty, the charity pet...sort of

Charity pets seldom hit their 3 million mark, in fact I don’t think it’s been reached yet to be completely honest with any of their past endeavors.

You implied I’d be okay with them giving nothing when I said nothing of the sort. All I did was give my reason for not liking the 3 million cap, that was it.

Oh, so now we’re going to pretend we don’t know what a 911 dispatcher is and try to cover up you shoving your foot down your throat?

Please go talk to the officers, firemen, deputies, chaplains and medics that I work with if you can’t seem to understand what truly giving of oneself really is. Because it has nothing to do with money.

Now you’re putting words in my mouth. I never once said anything of the sort. How much more stuff are you going to make up?

You’ve been sitting here insulting me consistently. So far I’m selfish, uncharitable, and illiterate. Keep going. Let’s see how long it takes for you to get a vacation.

God I wish we had an ignore feature so that I don’t have to see your incessant insults and attitude any longer.

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This would be better in my opinion. Just makes me laugh seeing people argue in this thread “I DID IT BECAUSE IT WENT TO A GOOD CAUSE, NOT FOR THE PET!” But they choose to donate through Blizzard where they are rewarded with a pet for doing so rather than directly donating for no personal benefit.

Really makes you think if they actually did it for the cause, or the pet.


I merely said that the phrase “Dispatcher” is applied to a large swath of various jobs doing the same thing, some of which utilize the title of “dispatcher.” Like I said, they refer to the people who tell delivery trucks where to be, what to carry, and when to be there, that deliver various resources to my company as “dispatchers.”

Don’t pretend like the word “dispatcher” applies to only those jobs you listed.

Am I going to argue that they aren’t selfless in doing jobs that are direly needed for the community? No, of course not, and I applaud them for doing those jobs. It takes a large amount of character to be a cop in this day and age considering all the flak they get, literally and figuratively. However again, those jobs are precisely that, jobs. They receive a compensation. See how many of those people would step up to the plate and do the same thing if their pay wasn’t as good as it is.

There’s a large difference between doing something as a job that benefits a community by extension and doing something because you truly want to help out. This is why when I was attending college I strictly volunteered to do oddjobs around the school rather than work for them directly. Even though I’d be doing the same exact tasks, the mere fact I’m utilizing my free time to do it for no personal benefit as opposed to doing it because I’m getting paid to do it makes a pretty significant difference.

That wasn’t directed at you, but the fact you chose to take that much offense from it tells me you have some personal demons you need to cope with.

I’m merely associating words to the impressions you give off through your posts. It isn’t like I’m pulling these out of thin air. In fact I’ve only directly called you illiterate because you supposedly read something then wrote an entire argument at me that said the same exact thing I already said as a refutation to what I said. This comes off as either short memory, or issues with reading comprehension. That was me giving you the benefit of the doubt presuming you just read something and just didn’t fully comprehend what was being said rather than picking a single sentence, ignoring everything else and writing a response.

When I stated “uncharitable” and “selfish” those were not directed at you by mere context and structure of the phrases, I was speaking at large because I’m not foolish enough to think in a public forum where everyone can read the posts that I should treat it like a private conversation. As such in that context “You” is generally referring to anyone reading it, not specifically you. You are doing a very fine job of proving the claim I made earlier that you got so upset by.

But eh, go ahead and keep trying to work yourself up into a frenzy thinking I’m attacking you. I understand these days it’s very popular for people to willingly choose to see themselves as being victimized and twist their logic just to reach that conclusion. Like going out of your way to take statements structured and worded to speak to whoever is reading the post rather than you directly as personal attacks.

I dunno, maybe I’m crazy but the mere fact you’re getting this worked up over remarks not even directed at you but are taking them as personal attacks and getting offended in response just tells me they have made you aware of some unpleasant truths, like you think they apply to you. If my guildmates refer to me with a homophobic slur beginning with “f” I don’t get offended because it doesn’t apply to me, and if I chose to get outraged for any reason it would imply it affects me on a personal level.

Now I’m just picturing you actually complaining about this in a real life scenario screaming “THE UNDEAD ROGUE SAID I WASN’T CHARITABLE AND HE SAID I WAS SELFISH!” Even though I never directed those claims at you in particular.

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You must be a blast at parties.


First of all, I don’t scream. Nor do I get bent out of shape over these forums. I find it funny that you think I would. You’re only here to judge people and deem everyone unworthy. Have fun with that. People donate the way they want and that’s none of your business nor your place to judge. Step off that pedestal.

Secondly, yes you most certainly did call me those things. You might want to read what you write. Find someone else to insult, I’m done with you. You’ve had nothing of value to add to this discussion.

Also seems @Therinity is still liking posts, I can see they still haven’t muted this thread.You want to answer those questions now since you seem to want to stick around?


I think it’s dark because it seems like Blizzard is trying to earn a quick buck off of the suffering of kids. That’s a lot of money to give to those charities and Im sure they’ll see that money but to say there is a cap? That’s greed my friends.


With all of their money Blizzard really needs to hire some good PR people to help them avoid pit falls like this. If anything they should have just gone with the deadline date like in the past.

So come on Blizzard people are giving their money to help the kids. Not for executive holiday bonuses and stockholder profits.

Getting people to give money to help the kids and then keeping some of it for yourselves is just wrong. No matter how many asterisks you include in your adds to us!

Nah. These people are just out for blizzard anyway they can. If they did what you suggested they will just scream

“Why give a deadline for charity?”

“Dottie pet proceeds should always 100% go to charity as long as it is in the shop”

“OH they are just doing this for the tax breaks since no matter how much they give to charity it is still below the tax they will save”

“Oh blizzard is just being scrummy not really charitable, I just donated 100 dollars directly instead and did not go after the tax break so I am more charitable than that 3,000,000 dollars they are potentially promising”


Edit: Meanwhile these foundations, that they are supposedly defending, are very happy to partner up with Blizz :rofl::rofl: So this says a lot lolz


Let me throw some facts at you:

  • 100% of the charity pet goes to the charity until the deadline or until the cap is hit.
  • No other pet in the history of their charity pets has ever hit $3mil.
  • Most companies only give a percentage or partial dollar amount per item sold, Blizz is giving 100%.
  • Every single person, small business and corporation can write off donations.
  • Companies sit down with charities and work out how much is going to be given as part of these types of events and you will quite often find the cap limit in the fine print.
  • Make a Wish is getting $1.5mil and WE is getting $1.5mil. Blizz takes none of that.

So please explain to me how your hyperbole makes any sense.


what do you think a tax write-off is? All that money that gets donated blizzard will just write off anyways and get their taxes cut like crazy and save tons of money.

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its 100% donated because it gives blizzard the largest tax write-off. They basically save millions of dollars on their taxes.

See. Thing is this. You say that, but then go into tirades about “You’re only here to judge people and deem everyone unworthy. Have fun with that. People donate the way they want and that’s none of your business nor your place to judge. Step off that pedestal.”

Yeah you clearly sound like you don’t get bent out of shape on the forums in the slightest. . .

May as well just cross your arms, huff and get really quiet while mumbling “I’m not mad.”

I did read what I posted, multiple times. None of these are even conceivable as directed attacks unless you want to force yourself to see them that way, but again, whining over perceived attacks that were never directed at you still. Yeah that “I don’t get bent out of shape” is doing really well for you.

Pray tell. I gave my matter regarding charity. I entertained you giving me non-argument after non-argument with no logic behind anything you’ve said whereas I put my logic on full display with an explanation of how I come to these conclusions. I even went through the hassle of having to reiterate things I said a multitude of times because you just were not getting it. I won’t use the actual word that describes poor reading comprehension because you’ll likely take that as an attack, but bottom line is your ability to comprehend what you read, let alone follow a conversation leaves much to be desired. I entertained you feeling it necessary to grandstand about what you do for a living as a desperate attempt to say “I do good things, therefore I’m a good person, how dare you say otherwise because I believe charity stops at just donations and that the intention behind why you donate is insignificant.” Like I’m going to actually ever care in the slightest, no idea why you felt it necessary to bring up otherwise. Hell it mattered so little to me I don’t even know what the hell you said you did. Given the word “dispatcher” is coming to mind when you tried to act as if the word “dispatcher” isn’t a fairly innocuous term used in multiple other occupations just describe someone who tells people where to go, that might be it.

Take your loss gracefully. No need trying to look like you’re saving face with your whole “I’M DONE WITH THIS!” approach while you pretend that you aren’t personally bothered by what I said as evidenced in your posts and current behavior. You still just look like a child throwing a temper tantrum because they met an opposing viewpoint.

I guess no one is charitable than, and everything nice everyone does is deceit. Interesting outlook.


Altruism is a very strict and rare mistress. Even if you don’t strive for genuine altruism, have the self awareness of why you are doing something and the ability to address why for what it is is a valuable skill for life.

I mean this sincerely, honestly think about why people do things. Why you do things yourself. If somebody donates to a charity then spends two hours talking about how great they are and that everyone should be like them, did they really donate to charity as a legitimate thing of altruism, or was it just so they could have something to grandstand on and basically shout “LOOK HOW GREAT I THINK I AM!”

If I give somebody money and expect them to pay me back, did I really do something genuinely nice or did I just merely do a moderately decent action that wasn’t charitable in the slightest?

Or better yet, if I donate to a charity, then proceed to write it off on my taxes, did I give to the charity to actually aid the cause wholeheartedly, or did I do it so I can have a write off?

Or even, if I do something nice for somebody because it makes me feel good, did I actually do it to do something nice for them, or did I do it just so I get the satisfaction of knowing I did something nice?

If your intent boils down to anything that results in a known benefit and that influences your decision, it isn’t altruism. It’s self serving which is the polar opposite.

That was a long reply for something everyone already knows, “everything any company does is for PR”. At the same time, i fail to see how giving $1.5-$3 million to charity is a bad thing.


I never said it was a bad thing. It’s a good thing with bad intentions behind the decision. It’s like a trojan horse I guess if you want an analogy. I’m just frustrated they aren’t going to be honest about and meanwhile people are only going to see “THEY’RE DOING A GOOD THING THAT MEANS THEIR INTENT DOESN’T MATTER!”

Even though the intent behind it is literally what people on these forums have been crying about for a week with the brutosaur outrage and that being the perception of evident greed by trying to force token sales so people don’t miss out on a novelty mount.

Then they throw up a pet with 3 million going to a charity from the proceeds and everyone acts like they aren’t as scummy anymore when the whole driving force behind this action is simply it’s zero loss to them, in fact they probably benefit from doing this and it stopped the outrage mob for a short bit.

That’s kind of a bad analogy, as giving to charity isn’t going to hurt anyone in the end, but sure. Also, i don’t see anyone who actively hates blizzard changing their mind over them doing a charity fund raiser.

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It isn’t PR meant for those people. Blizzard has realized no matter what they say, or do a decent chunk of players are going to hate them. Usually the same people, sometimes a whole different crowd.

However it’s more that everything gaming news related is going to shove the “CHECK OUT THE NEW PET BLIZZARD IS DONATING PROCEEDS FROM TO CHARITY!” and that news inevitably will reach people who don’t have a solidified opinion of Blizzard.

Then a few years down the line a few randoms might see Blizzard and think “Oh this is a nice company, they had those charity pets I read about.”