Dotty, the charity pet...sort of

Yeah and you think players will believe that? That boot must taste good my friend.

Looked at the wrong number. A thread with 1k posts is still pretty big though.

The Brutosaur removal thread has nearly 4k posts in it. That’s a thread about an actual bone-headed decision. This thread is about people making mountains out of molehills.


And number of posts isn’t as relevant as number of posters. Just 24 posters account for over 60% of the posts.

You and your boot licking, it is your go to when things aren’t going your way, I am tempted to link all the times you use that phrase as a shield.

Here’s the real world education session for you. If these tax write offs did not exist all that money would go to governments, who can ultimately choose not to help anyone and oh here’s one spend more on anything but social programs, or line their own coffers. These donation incentives literally help millions of people in need. You can’t seem to understand that, cool. Forget the 12.7 million they raised from a skin in Overwatch to benefit breast cancer research, forget the money they raise at blizzcon for charities through auctions. It must be great to only see what you want to believe rather than the reality us mere mortal boot lickers as you so like to refer to us to live in.

Again, contact WE and Make-A-Wish, tell them how scummy a potential 1.5 million donation to each is to you. I eagerly await your feedback on what they say to you.


Lol you act like this company is innocent after what they did throughout the years, It’s also plain obvious they lie about the donations and take it for themselves.

That would be extremely illegal. If that had happened, it would have made big news, and not just in the gaming world. Corporate officers would be in jail.


You need to take a break. I’d encourage you to stop supporting this evil empire that has helped millions of people. You are literally lying, the companies that have received donations are happy to share that they have. Take off your tin foil hat, also get off that high horse, I think the air is thin up there and is affecting your basic reasoning skills.

Blizzard does have all sorts of problems. This charity isn’t one of them.

They list Blizzard as one of their donors with $1 million+ in donations. Are you saying that Blizzard is conspiring with charities to lie about the money they receive from charity pets?

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I mean, the charity still gets 3mil, that’s -ALOT- of money, if Blizz goes over that cap and they get to keep whatever small amount of money that it is (because I doubt this will go over 3mil to begin with.) then good for them I’d say, a charity gets a 7 digit paycheck and Blizz gets a little something for themselves, everyone wins.

I don’t need no break and if you defend blizzard thinking all that money is going to charity that’s on you but I don’t believe so, I also have 0 tinfoil hats since there is no such thing as a company helping people.

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You don’t have a hat, you have a whole tinfoil suit.


No really? Do you guys not have phones?

Did the make a wish confirm it? No? Scam to me.

I have none sorry or a suit lol and people believe that companies help with charities :rofl: when they’re just profiting off it.

Yep. Here’s them talking about the $2.5 million they got from Mischief.


They could choose to NOT offer ANY to charity and keep 100 percent of all revenue.

I swear, people cry about EVERY freaking thing in this day and age.

OMG, 3 million dollars to charity, Blizzard is sooo evil.

Cry some more.


Probably secretly kept some of it to themselves :rofl:

Getting a pet in game, that you hopefully want and 90% of those funds (after a tax write off) go to a charity, ta da, is better than not doing a charity event at all? Why complain? If you don’t want it don’t buy it.

I used to buy every charity pet and give them to all my RL wow friends in order to support these events. Now that pathfinder is so extreme (and all my RL friends left as a result), I refuse to buy anything in shop, but I still think it’s better than not doing a charity.

No that is on you. You need to actually do some research, what you are saying here is tantamount to slander and defamation. Most of these donations are a matter of public record, you just can’t fathom that it exists, that is a you thing.

I truly feel sorry for you. I can’t fathom what has happened in your life to feel so bitter and jaded towards generosity as a whole.


How naive are ya? Companies are greedy my friend :rofl: Just like EA. They don’t care about you, only money.
What you expect from blizz?