We killed Pantheon yesterday, came back to the instance today and the door to Lihuvim is closed with no noticeable way to open it.
Same here.
Our guild is locked out too. Tried resetting the instance, tried reforming the group.
Was killing Lihuvim yesterday but called the raid and went in today and the door is closed. Went and killed Halondrus and door is still closed
Apparently if you walk into the first big room, the translocation orb in the middle of the chamber will be missing when the instance is bugged. Saves you having to walk all the way to the room.
our guild is having same issue
have you figured out how to fix it ? do you just keep resetting and running in and out ?
Our guild is stuck as well
Same, cannot progress.
Welcome back to Sepulcher’s Bug of the Day!™
Anyone figured this out yet?
Same issue
Hopefully a fix with people starting to raid
No, we just moved on to heroic for tonight.
Our guild is using someone else lockout and just gonna rekill proto
Also having problems this door did not open for us we tried resetting.
Same problem here.
We killed Pantheon, Dasaugne, Skolex, and Artificer on Tuesday, planning to kill Lihuvium and Halondrus on Weds. Came back Weds, killed Halondrus, moved to Pantheon room and found the door closed.
We tried zoning out, resetting raid, different players with the boss lockouts starting their groups with instance resets and swap to heroic in between. Nothing seemed to work to get the doors to open. We eventually gave up and proceeded to heroic.
have exactly the same problem with my guild
Had this issue last night as well seems like killing prototype and leaving is the issue, surprised no blue post at all yet on this to address this.
Going to end up doing Normal on a fresh alt killing first boss and rekill prototype with raid should open the door and allow the last 2 to be done until this is fixed.