Doomhammer Alliance Reconnections

Gnome Mage

Started off in Rising Phoenix, then Citadel and later Phoenix Resurrection after vanilla. Hubby to Coconutz. I’ve made Tinget on Atiesh and Pagle so hit me up if you see me on.

Other chars:
Denolm - Dwarf Warrior
Credulant - NE Rogue
Trusha - Dwarf Retadin
Aloriel - NE Hunter

Gnome Warlock

Dwarf Priest

Was in Ancient Order of UMs and eventually moved to Legio Fenix. Will be playing on Pagle.

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Theadrick - Human Paladin - Arisen

Played since the open beta in 2004 and started on Doomhammer with my wife, who played a human warlock named Lorelie (also Arisen). We came over from our old EverQuest guild Cursed Brotherhood. Had a lot of fun back in the day and I hope Blizz can somehow manage to bring back the old community feel that WoW once had (hint… no cross server instances, bgs, raids, No insta dungeon queues… make people interact).

I recognize a few of the names on this thread, though my mind is getting foggier with age!

Hi Ardane!


netmask - mage
I was on Umbra and battlehamer

I remember you as well! :slight_smile: it’s awesome seeing all the old school TZ folks popping up. Would be cool to hear from Tiesto, Bladestorm, Borklar, Tko, Matrices, Tessa, the aussies of course (Keriond, Zollerin, Briar) … Vacco! There were 40 people in tbose raids… I am bummed i cant remember more names.


Arisen days were some great times!


That feel when you search for any mention of your old guild and find nothin. :frowning:


Mainly played a mage named Netami doing the GM grind, but ran outta steam hitting Commander.

Was also in Singularity on this Druid.

This might seem crazy, but I remember very few of the people that were in my guilds, but remember two folks as if they were my BFFS. Ozmok and Kal. Those dirty BTs.

Gosh. Seems like a lifetime ago.


I was in Disciples of Remus at launch then Singularity and Legio Fenix. Focused on PVP ranking with folks like Sicnus, Littlesnow, etc. Will be on Myzrael Horde as Tortuga and Steam.

Human Mage: Steam

Feels like 100 years ago. My OG main was a human priest Sienilaenya. Raided MC and Ony with Drow way back when.

Yooo, This is Sanji from Rising Anarchy! We used to roll BGs!

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Ardane whats up bud! Simonious here… a few of us are rolling on Pagle for some nostalgia fun

TOXIC!!! Its Skorched!! add me, Skorched#1734.

Maybe we can get Issy and Ro to come back. :slight_smile:

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Sup Leddy, not sure if you remember me, i came over from legendary ums. I remember you, closer, jaspyr, glamour, hordehunter. You keep in contact with any of those guys anymore?

Kari! Hey! Add me, Drasuka#1980

Zollerin is no longer with us anymore, I’m sorry to say. Was an accident off the coast =/

Night Elf Rogue named Hordebeater.

This is awesome, I am super excited to play some Vanilla!

I was in the legendary Ums, my toon was Hordebeater

Hey i was in the same guild man I was Hordebeater

My char name was theymademedo- warlock i raided with the guild Veni Vidi Fugi on Doomhammer also ran with players from lux aeterna and a few other guilds on DH
any players of VVF should contact me in game if they are around ive already recognized like 5 names out of this post hit me up