Doomhammer Alliance Reconnections

Gretchyn - gnome warlock, and then later my alt Candyflip, a night elf druid.

I was in Arisen, and before that, my first guild was the Ums. There are so many people I remember! If we were friends, add me! Brittany#12429

edit: I joined the Pagle server!


Human Priest Hannako.
NElf Rogue Elorna.

There are a few names here that I recognize just from seeing you around. I haven’t been this happy in a while :smiley:

Hello fellow “Laghammer” alumn

Human lock Bagok

Used to raid with BFE (Heya Blood!) and hang with The Applesauce Gang.

Those were indeed the halcyon days of WoW IMHO. I look back fondly on my months and months of learning to lock, months and months of learning to raid. Played with a great group of RL friends I’ve since lost track of. Can’t believe it’s been almost 15 years!


I played a Human Warrior named Kratoz in the guild with people like Gali, Tendril, and Biohazardx and also played in an australian guild with the main tank being a lady named Keza

Also remember Jestow, Blacknite, tiatearfall!
Add me on Bnet: phyzicks#1668

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I played a Human Warrior named Kratoz in the guild Ascendo Tuum with people like Gali, Tendril, and Biohazardx and also played in an australian guild with the main tank being a lady named Keza

Also remember Jestow, Blacknite, tiatearfall!
Add me on Bnet: phyzicks#1668

Why Pagle?

Human Paladin Vikk.
Gnome Rogue Pinkpoke.

Was in Drow as long as it was on DH! We have some people coming back.

Hit us up Vikk#1250


I tanked with Biohazardx and Kezah in a guild. I’m Warfury. I remember Drow and RAR. Used to run a bit with them. I remember Onyxia and the World Dragons. Those were the days.

Bnet is Tyler#11950


I played with Dark Continuum and Praetorian Alliance. Don’t remember too many names offhand… Lemilberto?

I’d probably remember names much easier if I saw them :stuck_out_tongue:

Human warrior named Skorched from Legendary Ums and Valors Wrath. Would be awesome to reconnect with some people.


Any of my old peeps from Avatar and Scorned? Me and my cousin Vrim both played mages . loved playing with veccna and talista and sabby and moneaone and antonica . I remember helping tiesto start doing the weekly raids pug raids that started tier zero . I hope tiesto comes back i loved leveling with him and spending all night farming sholomance and helping him get his pally mount.


I played as Moghedien the priest very briefly during classic.

I remember you Gretchyn!!! -Avalonda resto druid Legendary Ums Ancient Order of UMs b-tag Leameohmya#1237


Played a rogue in Drow for a bit reapercl and a pally klout in arisen . Will be rolling on pagle with few friends . Alliance warrior named klout .

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Texarus NE Warrior and Vexx Human Paladin was in Arisen thru the end of BC. Also Ad Idem as Sparrow as a shaman in cata. Aohagnus/Crivvery you out there bud?


Simonious human Paladin,

Many months with Arisen, and then Drow… spent allot of time in front of IF dueling and in WSG, rolling on Pagle with some homies


Nice! Hit me anytime! Dudz#1750

My profile is literally my main character and guild since the start. Ardane, Human Mage, Arisen. Looking for Dennen and co, Thorzek, other Arisen peeps (I see you there Texarus, Simonious, GRETCHYN!! )


Aww Dennen :’) I would love to talk to him again!

I have dennen in my friends list I wlll ask him on his plans