Doom Alert: The Demon hunters have been forgotten

In short, 0 real changes beyond the initial ones and they have simply rebalanced numbers.


Preach sista! Haha, thatā€™s a good way to put it though. Funny thing is everyone got buffs :sweat_smile: but we got damage compensation for damage lossā€¦ so in a way we didnā€™t get buffed at all it feels like :joy: anyways, itā€™s just funnyā€¦ but some of the changes seemed solid at least, I would like them to give us more eventually, but Iā€™m not really hopeful anymore.


Pretty much this :+1:

not sure what people expected. the fel hammer mods love the current 40 second colossal smash burst window playstyle. and instead of advocating for essence break to be removed or tuned so another option is viable. (inertia/exergy too) they preached havoc is fine playstyle wise.

until the mods quit pushing their biased takes on the spec which clearly has ruined havoc from SL till now, havoc will continue to suffer. and before anyone says they do not have access to Realz, Jedith and Voodoo alone admitted they have spoken too him on at least one occasion.

The changes on WoWhead are basically them rebalancing the various abilities that were hit by the removal of AMN. It is a start and hopefully they can get on to fixing bugs and looking into play style mechanics next.

At this point Iā€™m starting to think you guys are just looking for someone to blame lolā€¦ because Iā€™m in that discord and from what Iā€™m seeing most people in there are just as unhappy as the rest of us bud.


they agree the changes are bad. but they also refuse to admit the biggest issue is a playstyle and 2 select talents. essence break and inertia/momentum (exergy now)

Havoc has been dog crap since SL when the current mods became active and anytime anyone speaks out for change they flame them into oblivion or ban them.

they also are the only people who Realz talks to for input. and the feedback they take is from the clique of like 5 people and no one else that wants a more streamline and fun but simpler playstyle akin to bfa.

your obsession with felhammer mods makes me not want to take anything you say at any value. im sorry your dont like essb? idk what else to say

your also acting like they have sole access to the dev, when literally anyone can talk to the dev when he does his Q/A sessions, heck ive talked to the dev and helped got alot of veng stuff fixed and im a literal nobody. as long as your respectful and kind and put your feedback in a wellorganized way then you can talk to anyone. but judging about your entire crusade here (hehe) you dont seem like the type of person who can be nice

I think heā€™s just looking for someone to blame because heā€™s unhappy with the state our class is inā€¦ which I understand, the unhappy part lol. But yeah, when youā€™re desperate and unhappy you gotta blame someone!

that or you just have no real rebuttal.

that and when i and many other sharing the same issues and opinions as me brought them up in the past (during SL and DF) we were flamed and called bad with some being outright silenced/banned from the discord for disagreeing and just asking for an alternative and more simple yet fun while also competitive playstyle. not to mention all the issues plaguing havoc currently were called by those of us wanting a alternative playstyle that was just ask good or better than the current essence break crap. Essence break is why our damage outside of burst is crap, period. it needs to go or be severely nerfed along with inertia and other amps like the new momentum. while are basic abilities like Chaos strike and dance are buffed along with the meta versions too.

im sorry but after what 4 almost 5 years of this crap we need a change. People are clearly not happy.

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I agree with you on essence break, I hate being balanced around a 4sec windowā€¦ thatā€™s our core issue imo! Should work more like paladins maybe, 15% damage buff or something and bake the rest into our kit so we hit hard without it lol idk EDIT: or just remove it and bake all those debuffs into our kit baseline like blade dance increases chaos strike damage on all targets hit by 20% ect ect Iā€™m just throwing out ideas idk

I think EB wouldnā€™t be so bad if it was longer than 4 seconds. Paladin final reckoning is 12 seconds and execution sentence is 8, for example.

Yeah, nerf the buff and extend the duration to like 8secs while buffing our core damage to compensate