Doom Alert: The Demon hunters have been forgotten

If you are not a passionate fan or a masochist, this is the time to activate the Rerol-Protocol.

The situation of the class has not changed since the TWW beta and it does not look like it will change in the future, the reason is irrelevant, the reality is that the class and its problems are not being attended.


I mean, it’s time to point fingers. The class has been on a steady decline since DF, and there’s obviously a common trend.

It’s absolutely unacceptable that the class gets 2 freaking changes that probably took 10 minutes to code, half of them don’t even work because they didn’t even test them, and a month later those freaking changes still don’t work.

Listen, I can understand people making mistakes, once or twice, but this is a constant in DH development.

Whoever is behind it is very obviously not thrilled to do it, doing a piss poor job, and clearly doing the bare minimum. Replace the guy.


I just don’t understand how they couldn’t even have mentioned that they are aware of our numerous bugs or the fact that our damage profile it still lacking due to the removal of AMN. Instead we don’t even get a mention in this weeks patch notes, the only class that had no listed changes.


Don’t worry guys, they said they’ll adjust for the loss of AMN. Just gotta believe guys, just trust Blizz. They’ve never messed anything up when it comes to class balance. DH isn’t forgotten, just trust me guys!

I do have spare copium for those who also want to live in a deluded world.


I have depression, I am immune to that devil’s drug. But hey, you’re a paladin, it’s normal that you have copium left over and you haven’t developed resistance or allergy to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Assassination rogues are fun rn

Please, forgive me……

** Wowhead says we’re solidly middle of the pack in Mythic.

** M+, If you’re not Ret, Aug, or Frost, you suck. Goes equally for everyone.

** If you’re not M+, or Mythic progression. You can generally ignore movement builds and essence break and still smash face compared to everybody you run into. EyeBeam and Meta are just the bees knees. Even today.

** What’s with all the tears? Not everybody in the world gets an attentive and loving daddy. Most don’t.

We are mid pack in overall but the moment you look at boss damage we are extremely low.

The main issue is the tree is in a poor state. It’s not just the movement stuff people are having issues with its where some talents are placed and the bugs with abilities.

Focused Hatred has been bugged on how the damage buff works the entire season, you don’t get all the demonsurges you are supposed to, collective anguish has been bugged for awhile. That is just live as the PTR has its own bugs to a point testing can’t really be done.

Honestly a ton of bugs listed on fel hammer that haven’t been addressed. So yes people aren’t happy when they see two weeks of patch notes from the PTR with no changes.


Well the fact that basically every new change they made it freaking bugged and not working correct, yet a month later and all we have is crickets. The fact that our damage is “solidly middle of the pack” with AMN, without it our damage it going to be “solidly not middle of the pack” any more. And with the changes to Fel Scar and again the removal of AMN our AoE builds for mythic+ are going to be even worse than they are now.

The concern is while other classes are getting refined changes, we are still stuck with a broken kits and holes in our damage profile.

Is it against ToS to reach out to our dev directly on twitter? I know who it is

If you know who it is, tell me and I’ll do it. At this point, if they sanction me, I don’t care. I’ll take the risk as long as I have the chance to ask what the hell is going on.

Backs away slowly and slowly closes the door on the way out

I stupidly picked my DH to main this expac, I’m just doing alt stuff now. I don’t do mythic level content but even I could see the holes in my damage output compared to other classes in normal raids and even in heroics it was awful.

two weeks? over one year no have any changes

I’m genuinely trying to get the perspective, but it’s difficult for me. Again, I’m sorry.

I play a lot of classes. My DH doesn’t feel weak next to the others. I’ve been running my DH the most recently because it’s my enchanter and I’m too stubborn to buy mats. The missing Demonsurges do stink and that does feel like a bug yes, but I still out damage everybody.

Like, not kinda outdamage, it’s by an absolute mile. I just did 2 runs with a Frost DK who had me by 14 item levels and it wasn’t even close on a single fight. It seems like Eye beam is just always available, and the follow up BD and CS both DS. It’s nuts. I have meta for every boss and it seems to last the whole boss every time. I just wreck stuff.

None of my other characters provide this feeling.

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It is not a matter of numbers, it is rather a matter of the way of playing, the rotational demands, HT like the aldrachi that have not been used throughout the expansion due to cognitive overload, bugged talents and so. If you play several classes, you may not pursue it as much because you constantly refresh your experience, but people who only play DH see every detail and error and know that there are errors that have been dragging on for a long time.

To this add that the complaints are the same since the Beta, some even come from Df, but nothing has been done about it, the community believes at this point that there is no Dev assigned to the class.

The numbers can always be adjusted, that is never a problem, gameplay/class design is the problem.


I feel that your experience is valid, but I wonder how many are the author of their own misery.

I’m doing LFR palace right now, mostly because I want mats to DE, not a fan of current professions but I do want to be a good enchanter.

Anyway, there is another Havoc DH in here.

Homie is trying SOO hard. His log is full of essence breaks and vengful retreats and fel rush and blah blah blah. I’m smashing him. His gear is only 6 ilvls behind me, but I’m smashing him.

Every trash pull, the bosses, it doesn’t matter. Last boss, Rasha’nan, I had him by 258k dps. I was number one, a ret paly who slightly outgeared me was number two. Homie was way back mid pack.

All I’m doing is Bladedance, Chaos Strike, Eye beam and Meta. I’m doing more eye beams then he is, more blade dances then he is, WAY more chaos strike then he is. You get the idea. Maybe he’s not critting at the right time. Maybe RNG is giving him a bad miss here and there.

I know I’d be misserable if I was trying that HARD, and missing by that much. Blizz should get rid of 4sec dps windows where you have to line everything up, ect.

But maybe we shouldn’t put so much stock into Theorycraft, and sims and so forth, because I think such things fail to account for RNG and the human element and people could perform better and have more fun playing another way.

btw, Bloodtwister I had him by 331k DPS, I was #1, ret end up #3, 227k dps behind me. Nexus prince, homie was 335k behind me, ret was #2 - 72k behind me.

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What kind of weird flex post is this lmao


Your doing LFR…hitting top of the meters is easy there due to the fact most who do LFR are either being lazy or don’t play their class correctly.

As the previous poster said

The class in general is in a bad spot overall. Maybe you don’t see it due to the content you run and the people you run with. Both the class and spec tree have bad placements for talents, forced to take talents that don’t do anything beneficial for us just to open a path to get something that does. Our defensive are horrid to boot and our ability to survive is bad due to the mass removal of our leech we used to have.

We also lost a portion of damage due to our chaos brand being nerfed down. Which is the slightly only reason the class is brought to raid. Remove chaos brand and the class is dead.

DH hasn’t been in a good spot in a long time, DF S3 is an exception, class has the most convoluted rotation in the game just to do damage for a few seconds then wait 40s to do it again.


Granted. This is a definite possibility.

I could say this about every single class/spec I play. I’m forced to take stuff I don’t want in order to get something that I do want everywhere.

I’ll grant that I’m not god mode like back in the day but this is still the only DPS I have that I don’t feel the need to run Bran as healer on when I ‘m doing a T8+ delv or giving a go at Zekvir?? It doesn’t feel squishy to me at all. The Evoker and the Hunter(without pet) feel squishy. This one does not.

Maybe that’s the real problem. You wait to line things up. Things miss. Things fail to crit at the right time. How much do you really gain with all that extra effort built around tiny windows. Just go classic, go ham, and have fun. The DPS is great doing that. It’s fun doing that.

Are you pressing M+? The current game is built around Frost, Aug, and Ret for that. You’re not going to have fun. Nobody is. M+ is what sucks, not DH.

It’s not. This entire forum is post after post of ‘Havoc stinks!!!’ and ‘Daddy doesn’t love us!’ That doesn’t match up with my in game experience at all. Havok DH just may be the strongest of all my DPS chars.

Mover/Momentum sticks, it ALWAYS has. EB stinks. Building your entire playstyle around a tiny, infrequent 4s window where everything always has a chance to go wrong does stink.

You don’t have to do either. You can rock socks with out doing either. The doom/gloom gets old. It’s not going to make Daddy love you. Exaggerating situations won’t convince the masses either. If their experience isn’t as bad as you say, then they just won’t believe you about anything. That’s all that will happen.