Don't you dare make the Amani join the Void

Mm… no, there was a surge of void activity in that area which they lost track of near Zul’Aman. There is nothing saying every surge of activity was Xal’atath running around the planet. For all we know she sent some of her shadowguard forces to tempt the Amani and they got destroyed by the trolls.

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Probably doesn’t help that there is a old god minion literally under Zul’aman itself and her forces were likely sent there to try and ressurrect it


Oh right, That is true! That make good sense. Actually I wonder if they were sent there to awaken it, or reclaim its power to add to the Dark Heart?

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That is what I am afraid of yes. Blizzard always treated them as side villains despite the Amani being the original troll allies of the Horde.


There’s a great possibility some group of Forest Trolls have to be a reputation faction, not too much zone and lore diversity to whack them all. :8ball::robot:

Perhaps the real enemies are related to the practice of the hex lord? :robot::magic_wand:

Concerning Zul, if the trolls have ever succeeded it’ll be a victory for the Old Gods. :crystal_ball::robot:

Seriously though, all jokes and snarky comments aside, I do want the Amani to get some much needed love and attention.

Kith’ix (Our Amani-murdered friend) is likely the reason Xal’atath is interested in Zul’aman. Likely for the resurrection or to swipe their essence as others have mentioned.

There are really two ways this goes for the Amani.

  1. The Amani are faced with an ancient enemy and know that in their weakened state, they are no match. They appeal to the Zandalari for aid and gain Troll assistance. This leads to a chance for the Amani and Sin’dorei to work out their issues and potentially work something out. Playable Forest Trolls for the Horde. Much celebration is had. Blizz gets my money for a race-change.

  2. The Amani are faced with their ancient enemy, shrug, and decide Kith’ix is a gigachad worth following to have their vengeance on Silvermoon. They convert to the void. We kill them all. Again. No playable Forest Trolls. No celebration. Troll fans everywhere in shambles.

Blizz. You have one job. Dew it.


I think the best approach they could take with the Amani is to make it an “Lets work together and defeat this common threat… no promises I won’t make you a shrunken head after that though.” Works even better if the void surge near Zul’aman were void forces the Amani stuck down.

I sort of want to see LotR dwarf-elf type banter between the Amani and Elves.


He made nothing up. This is a concern of multiple people on Twitter, given Blizzard’s track record.


I am finally not alone anymore in my fears and hopes and that is great.

So it’s a shared delusional doomed mindset over something entirely hypothetical atm.


Option 3: The same as Option 2, but a group of good Amani break off from the main group and work with the Alliance and the Horde (and the forces of the Light) to liberate Zul Aman from the Void, after which these good Forest Trolls join both factions as a Neutral allied race.

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Isn’t that what everyone does on the lore forums?

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Turalyon and Yrel deserve better than the villain bat too, but you supported that.

Yep, Kith’ix, and I can honestly see the Void attacking Zul’Aman in order to resurrect him. Perhaps we would enter a “friend of my enemy” situation with the Amani.

Though I wouldn’t be surprised we ended up fighting Forest Trolls in Midnight. It’s just matter of if they are agents of the Void (willing or corrupted) or independent villains. For example we could have the Amani in a civil war, either as one of the rebellion storylines we’ve done before or a repeat of Zandalar with a Zul character rebelling against the rulers of Zul’Aman or even one of the other Forest Troll tribes (ex: Vilebranch) embracing the Void and trying to claim Zul’Aman for themselves.

We have the Revantusk tribe so even if Blizzard decides to have the Amani side with the Void or be independent villains, they could still give us playable Forest Trolls. Perhaps the Revantusk campaign could center on them realigning Forest Trolls to the Horde or rescuing Amani dissidents to bolster their numbers.

I now want a Blood - Forest Troll duo, they would have so much snark.

The thought of Forest Trolls as a neutral race is very weird. Should Forest Trolls go the neutral route, I wonder how that be explained. Like Revantusk would be the Horde tribe, but non of the current tribes have ties to the Alliance. Perhaps one of the tribes from the RPG that live in Zul’Aman would be made canon and be the Alliance tribe in that scenario.


The same way we justified the Laughing Skull Clan allying with the Alliance Expedition in BTDP, and the Grimtotem Tribe allying with the Alliance in Cataclysm. Convenience.

For a group of Forest Trolls, it will be convenient to join the Alliance. There are many benefits to joining the last great mortal superpower on Azeroth (the Alliance), wouldn’t you agree?

The Horde is a mortal superpower as well.

But just because the Amani hate Belves, doesn’t mean they like Helves any better…
Or weren’t also wronged by the Alliance.

Both the Alliance and Horde, Belves and Helves, united together during BC and killed their leader Zul’jin.

Both went back in during Cata and steamrolled them again.

Neither faction has good relations with them.

Even other tribes, have terrible relations with the Alliance and Horde both.

This is wrong. Chronicles III confirmed that only the HORDE raided Zul Aman and killed Zul’jin.

The Alliance did not raid Zul Aman and kill Zul’jin. Only the HORDE did.

You forget the entire questline where the Quel’dorei are there with the Sin’dorei working together to take down Zul’aman with Vol’jin acting as the mediator?

Yeah, that’s still canon.

Even if the Alliance didn’t specifically kill Zul’jin, they still aided in taking down the Amani, both times.
And the Amani still don’t like the Quel’dorei any more than they like the Sin’dorei.


That wasn’t during BC, but in Cataclysm.

The Horde raided and killed Amani twice in recent history.

The Alliance did it only once.

So Yeah, the Amani should have way more of a grudge with the Horde than with the Alliance.

Also, Horde players constantly brag and gloat about the majority of the High Elves joining the Horde and only a minority going to the Alliance. Well then, the Horde contains more High Elves for the Amani to hate than the Alliance. :slight_smile: