Don't work to "beat" Blizzard's changes

I was pushing lvl 20 day one and my friends all went ally so I had to switch.

I wanted a resto shaman, cbf lvling again thoufhz

This is how you get ahead though. You break the systems and assume laws and rules are for suckers, without pushing things far enough that it gets you arrested. People who master that balancing act are the ones with fame and fortune.

This goes beyond the scope of this game btw.

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Unfortunately this is a correct assessment.

Hangon – are you calling the guy saying they pay 15 a month here was being unreasonable and NOT the dudes insisting that people gear up and farm for an epic mount before queueing for an instance that is queueable at level 51 and has level 51 quests, including one for weapons that make a massive difference to levelling?

I received a tell that told me to “stop queueing until I reached level 60” and my reply was “piss off”.

I consider myself in the right here, and I suspect that most people would agree with me.

AFKers are, of course, a problem, but relegating non-premade players and their AV instances to second-class affairs only makes this worse, in fact, some of the worst serial-afkers are after-hours premade players who the PUGS are too afraid to report.


And your honorless pig mentality permeates throughout the world… of warcraft

You should lvl up before joining av, you are there to leech.

More people went into premades to avoid players like you, it wouldn’t be as big of a problem if there wasn’t 3-5 people trying to lvl in the harpy cave taking up spots that could actually help to win.

So while you have been complaining about starting games 14 vs 40, we have to deal with 10+ afk, 3-5 players sitting in a harpy cave and a bunch sitting in a gy waiting to get some free rep.

You join av and want to leech honor/rep and farm mobs for gold/xp and then act a victim when people seek to avoid playing with you.

Premades will continue, you have your self to blame.

I would bet that the average premade consists of approximately zero (of those levelling at the time – their alts certainly will) players who didn’t queue at least a few times prior to being level 60. That ice-barbed spear is pretty tempting.

But you know, different rules for different people.

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Chinese client already found away around it so premades will continue and the only way blizzard can fix this is by fixing faction balance.

Honestly these changes have already been done last time and premades still happened.

@legion Druid, most people were 60 well before AV came out.

  1. As another poster pointed out, players starting at level 51 are allowed to que in the BG for a reason. You nor I nor anybody else are allowed to HARASS them. Period. Trust me I am not a fan of sub 60s in the BG but I don’t harass them. I don’t harass people because they don’t have a 100 mount like I do. It’s because those are NOT requirements to que the BG. Whether they are a drag or not is absolutely IRRELEVANT because they have the RIGHT to be there. When I see some sub 60s I sigh and lol a bit. What else can you do?

  2. When people go into those “premades” they are forsaking the MAJORITY of the faction and players like me who are trying to play the BG the RIGHT WAY to endless 15-40 matches. These are caused SOLEY by BG que dodging en masse which are done by PREMADES ONLY.

  3. The people that have to deal with those short starts ALSO have to deal with the AFKers. You think the 15-40 starts have nobody AFK? We had a 14-40 start last night with 3 AFK.

  4. If premades continue don’t be surprised when Blizzard takes further action- and they will. Participate at your own risk.


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People like her (him?), who are playing the game as Blizzard intended?

Then I fully expect banhammers to fall. First time is a warning and we got that in the Blue Post.

Premade at your own risk starting next week.

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Horde have lowbies queueing all the time for their IBS and free honor, and we get by fine, dunno what your faction’s issue is


Actually it was Horde tears in cave camping I been to a lot AV pugs.

Alliance had AFK players always in the cave not much complaining I am sure.

Few T3 premades from alliance did the camping to the horde and then won.

They camped them in the cave as a strat for more honor then killed drek.

Apes did it for hours to the horde.

Now 20 vs 40 happened most of the time to alliance pugs.

@level16Gnome How many of them won’t queue till 60 on ALTS or WOULDN’T have done it if they AV had been live at launch?

I don’t believe players should be harassed, but I don’t blame players for avoiding these types of players.

@legion Druid this didn’t happen so… ???

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So… What happens to the Horde queue when there are less than 20 alliance in the AV and the game doesn’t start?

Sad to hear all these salty stories … AV is about 50/50 on average … Premades were the problem and now they are gone … no more starting off with 11 alliance vs 40 cause your premade decided too many pugs in this one … drop que and leave you hanging. Both sides have fishing dudes, cave dudes now on the Horde side we have DREK sitting dudes … they just go sit outside dreks room and hope for hundreds of hks and pray for wipes … every game … while everyone else puts In the work… It happens on both sides. In all reality alliance record for me over 15 years and thousands of games was around 70% >> av is advantage ally … any ally telling you otherwise is trying to pull one over on yah.

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break the system, blizzard is wrong.

Perhaps the single worst piece of advice for the day on these forums.