Don't work to "beat" Blizzard's changes

And when you go from game to game knowing horde will force you on defense before you have any chance of doing the same, it takes its toll. Zone into alliance AVs in progress and see how many players are just standing in or near the cave waiting for the butt stomping to be over. They’ve given up.


Yes but isn’t that largely because of how our own premades decimate our PUG games before they start?

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Our? Pretty sure you play horde in classic. But the truth is that it comes from being at an instant disadvantage due to start locations as much as anything else. I’ve been in far too many pugs that were full groups that never made it past stone hearth. If we’re lucky, we get 5-6 to iceblood to kill lts for a little extra honor.

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I’ve been in a few match’s where I just spent 35-40m waiting for a match, zone in and its 6m into a 8m loss. Barely get any honor and then poof off to another 35-40m queue. Both sides fall victims to premade, Alliance to dodgers and Horde to ROFL Stomps.

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So that’s worse than an instant queue into 45 minutes of feeding the meat grinder and ending with less than 600 honor?

I understand what you’re saying about losing to premades. It isn’t fun or compelling gameplay, but you need to see where I am coming from too and it doesn’t all fall on premades to blame.


If your team only manages 600 honor in a 45 minute game, that’s not anyone’s fault but your team’s. You could afk out and be back into a new game in 15 minutes. Horde can’t do that so we try to make the most out of each game.


That attitude is why I haven’t joined a fresh game in days. I keep joining in progress with 8+ players standing in or near the cave waiting for the imminent loss.

And you may be quick to disqualify the effect horde reaching stone hearth at the same time as alliance has on pugs, but I’m fairly confident it would have the same impact on horde were the situation reversed.

No - I play only Alliance in Classic because that’s what I played in Vanilla (switched to Horde during BC).

Well… previously you could do what I did and only accept new instances.

Won’t be able to do that now thanks to the changes that Blizzard were forced to make to combat premades (remove numbers).

AFKing is a huge problem for Alliance, though. A lot of people are very apathetic about reporting people out. A startling number of people believe that “report AFK” does nothing.

Yea, when you have a massive amount of people doing any one single thing, there is bound to be difference of opinion on what is fun about a game.

The arrogance they are displaying is going to bite them right in the a$$.

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I agree with you, as I have had it happen before when I played the game the 1st time around. This time around maybe once, but most of mine have been sitting in queue for 35-45m into a match that’s over in 1 and going back into another 35-45m queue. Both equally suck, and I know from a Horde perspective they tend to take it out on you after many premade losses.

That’s a offensive comment. I get that one a lot too. I’ll use the word too. OUR problem is twofold.

First and foremost is getting kneecapped by premades. I was in one AV last night that started 14-40 and didn’t fill up until 15 minutes in. We ended up with ZERO bonus honor. That’s because a premade DODGED THE QUE. That is 100% on them. That is such a HUGE ISSUE that Blizzard took action and included a VEILED THREAT.

Second. The location where the Horde cave has to be MOVED BACK. I see people say where and I would say where it was in TBC which was to the east of the base if I recall correctly. I played Horde in TBC and Wratch but SWITCHED to Alliance side because I was Alliance during Vanilla. I never maxed out and wanted to do that in Classic. If you like I will post from Alliance main at the time which is a 68 Druid now. She only reached 40 or so during Vanilla however.

I doubt that Blizz will move the cave back unfortunately but it would help out a lot if they did IMHO.

That is a problem created partially by premades, but not entirely. That should be evident when they are adjusting a setting that prevents games from starting “with as few as 20 players”. People give premades more credit than they deserve.

There is no veiled threat lol. Players have been doing AV premades for years and still today they do them on retail. I ran with Rath for years doing AV premades. No action was ever taken against anyone who participated.

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They really just need to make this behavior against the tos so they can start banning those accounts on an individual basis, rather than changing the entire game that ends up ruining it for everyone.

I haven’t seen it myself, except once, where they killed cave spawners right outside the cave for maybe 3 minutes.

The issue was there was people going around doing it for hours.

Yep but when I’ve brought it up elsewhere I just got LOLOLOLOL THEY WON’T DO ANYTHING, WE PAY SUBS. Like were they never disciplined as kids? Do they not understand how warnings work?

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Are you sure?

It’s created by them by a large degree. Large scale que dodging is why it happens. Who does large scale que dodging?

You get the picture.

I don’t think you understand the mindset of most people who play MMO’s very well.

This is not a knock on you. I understand the call for people to be good citizens but I am afraid this is not the place for that.

Thanks for trying though the community appreciates you.

You seem to put a lot of blame on premades.

Premades happened in a large scale due to people not wanting to carry afk/ rep farmers and people who just wanted a free ride.

Pug games were great until lazy people started cave afk or sitting in a gy waiting to get a few kills for rep.

A few weeks ago someone said ally should get an epic mount and some gear before doing av and was replied to with I pay my 15 a month.

Premades would of happened either way, but I doubt it would of gone the way it did if the average ally wasn’t looking for hand outs.

I remember trying to do pug avs and nobody wanted to try lts because there was zero rep in it.

So who screwed who first?

I have to agree that I do see more of this on Ally side compared to when I played TBC and Wrath. I also completely sympathize with not wanting to deal with the leeches and AFK idiots. I get that. Trust me. But what we have is screwing the majority who are not leeches and do not premade.

I am tempted to roll a Horde toon to see what the attitudes are like on the Classic Horde side TBH. If it weren’t for friends I doubt I would have ever rolled Alliance to begin with. I did the reverse of what most people did and went from Horde to Ally.