Don't understand rating requirements

Yes. I can certainly see the " competition" in the random bgs.

What I mean by that is all the rated 45k geared people who just do random bgs now that they have their gear.

It’s so competitive watching the grey graveyard for 15 minutes.

This hasn;t really changed. The bad players that were going to arduously save up 3-4 months of arena points to buy their weapon (that would be obsolete by then anyway) can still do that. The rating requirement ends with the end of S1. Traditionally, arena seasons were 16 weeks long, or 4 months. At 220 points per week, a 3750 weapon would take you 16+ weeks to get. They’ll be able to buy it at the same time, and with no rating requirement.

This. Change. Hardly. Effects. Bad. Players.
This change also doesn’t effect good players.
This change effects like 10% of 4% of WoW players.

If 40% of people avoid arena because of the change, they’re just dumb. Because ALMOST ALL OF THOSE 40% were NEVER getting weapons in a relevant time frame.

It would be akin to me quitting my job after an announcement that the executives were not going to receive a $2,000,000 bonus this year. “WHAT?! NO BONUS?! I’M OUT!” - says the $150,000/year worker that was never eligible anyway.

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Its not random BGs. Its arenas.

We’re living in two different realities here.
You could purchase your S1 weapon in S1 it just took you 2-3 months. The seasons lasted longer than this. Sure you can wait for the end of S1 and S2 start to get your S1 weapon but why even bother because T5 will be out and people will be making their Stormheralds and Dragonstrikes etc.

That’s the problem. Instead of being in the loop when it’s relevant people won’t even queue arena at all. People who might end up giving a damn and trying to improve once they get a taste just won’t queue.

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Jesus christ we’re talking past each other.

For 1400 rated players they WERE NEVER GOING TO GET WEAPONS IN A RELEVANT TIME PERIOD. You even use the term yourself:

This change doesn’t effect the baddies. They were never getting weapons in a relevant amount of time. Before, they’d have to save 4 months for a weapon. Now they have to save 4 months and wait for the season to end for a weapon. There’s no difference. And if the season goes 5 months instead, is their Gladiator weapon bought at month 4 even relevant then? Everyone will have Heroic epics, Raid epics and crafted epics by month 4. Hell, they’ll have them by month 2, and most of them are equivalent or better than the Gladiator weapons.

High rated players are unaffected.
Low rated players delusionally believe they are effected but they’re mostly not.

You guys are arguing a lot for 2 people that basically agree with each other

This change will kill participation, yes. But for the wrong reasons. It will kill participation because people are being dumb.

Right now there is a gas shortage in my state. The fuel availability only decreased by 17% as the effected pipeline was 1 of 5 that feed my state. So why is there a 90% shortage on fuel? Because people overreacted and did dumb things like hoarding it. If people acted rationally there would be no fuel shortage. 17% isn’t enough to cause a crisis. The crisis is being caused by people overreacting irrationally.

It’s the same thing here. If 500,000 1300-rated players swear off arena because of the weapon rating change, it will collapse the MMR pyramid. But they were never getting weapons much before the season ended anyway. So it’s a stupid, infantile overreaction that is going to ruin things for everyone.

At a minimum, Blizz should not have rating requirements for S1 to get people into it and make friends/teams.

With these changes, people won’t bother.

Fewer people playing screws up the ladder. Blizz will revert the change for S2 but by that time it will be too late.

There was a reason Blizz went to personal rating and cross-realm groups—not enough people were playing.

I’m gonna enjoy watching all the “git gud” people QQing on the forums this Summer that they can’t rank up because no one is queueing.


We ranked up past 2200 fine on pservers with literally only 40 teams in the bracket some times. Arena teams are realm-based but the queues are cross-realmed. I have no doubt that arena queues for 2vs2 and 3vs3 will be hopping even in the worst case participation scenarios.

But it will make the 1700s feel like the 2400s.

You don’t understand the problem. Peolle are swearing off arena because of ratings for all gear AND the new teams always start at zero rating (used to start at 1500 in TBC).

The time investment for casuals who like to team hop, or people on small servers where there aren’t a lot of open teams, isn’t worth it. Better off doing Kara.

If Blizz started new team rating at 1400, I doubt there would be so much backlash.

It’s a RETRO game and the devs are trying to make it like retail because they are all Diablo fanboys now.

Not a coincidence the guy who CREATED Classic just straight up quit the company haha.


Wow you ranked past 2200 on a private server with only 40 teams. You truly are the best of the best.

Quite an accomplishment and I’m sure you didn’t have any help from the server owner modifying the rating system lol.


All I can say is rated PVP made a lot of players unsub from shadowlands. It amazes me that they would implement anything even close to TBC.

It’s like we finally get over the whole covid thing and the government puts a bottle of the stuff in the drinking supply.

Why ?


It’s crazy to think that adding rating to pvp gear makes the game better. It never has and never will.


Agreed. I am for the gates


The number of people playing has nothing to do with my point.

My point is simple. Not all pvp gear should be handed out.

The reason this change is here is because it’s 2.4.3 most likely. It’s how the game was at that point.

At this point anyone crying about not being able to get the gear are just angry that the easy way to gear isn’t there for them.

Lol, alright bud

PREACH MY GUY. You’re spot on.

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that is a great point for sure.

you get trash drops, and you get blue pvp gear for sucking.

Honestly what most people did in original TBC was just save arena points for the whole season and burn them on S2 weapon immediately. In Season 1 they basically had BiS due to Karazhan, Gruuls, Mag alongside heroics farming and honor gear.

Also in TBC almost everyone played arena and more than 80% of the population were under 1700 rating.

This point is up in the air, your point can only stand if the brackets are as inflated as your scale above shows. In original TBC, there weren’t piles of teams in the 2500-3000 range. Also people who achieve 2000 usually do so with a spike in their personal best. All of this is bad news for people who were on the razors edge.

I would say this change affects all players of all ratings. Lower rated players would simply not play and this would remove most of the lower percentile from the game, thus lowering the overall MMR of the competition, thus making things harder for everyone.

Yeah, now take those small numbers and apply them to PvE and you’ll realize why these ratings are completely insane to implement. A tier 4 effort in PvE is literally equivalent to a 1st week sunwell farm status effort in PvP.


It’s nice, at this point in the discussion I don’t really have to type anything. I can just copy/paste from my increasingly large list of responses.