Dont Trust Blizzard With Classic Era!

I’m one of the few people that stayed Classic Era once TBC released TO GET AWAY FROM THE INGAME STORE.

I knew blizzard would eventually implement WoW Tokens and more (Predicted this in post:

My Primary Concern now… is Blizzard putting their muddy grubby hands into Classic ERA corrupting it like they did “Classic” Wrath/TBC. I believe they eventually will… I hate to admit it… but I really do think they will in maybe 3-6 years maybe sooner… Do not trust Blizzard they are a multibillion dollar soulless corporation that is willing to sabotage the integrity of their own games for short term profit.

(im very aware people use 3rd parties to buy things in game… but its STILL not supported by blizzard and it doesn’t make it right. )


Oh for sure, but you have two choices. Enjoy it while you can or don’t.


i hope they ruin it for u ppl b/c ur kind does not want anyone else to ever play what they want to play. ppl ask for a tbc era server and era only players harass them like crazy and are super rude. ppl want changes for a classic + thats not era and u ppl do the same thing. i hope they ruin ur era servers. loooool


Idk why u think that. I didnt play classic tbc because of the INSTANT lvl boost… again INSTANT lmao. its such an anti classic feature that breaks the game. That is why I stayed classic era

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dont need to think it. i see it/happens to me everyday on here lmao

I mean, even the “pure” classic ERA players are buying up gold in bulk. In reality, it’s the players responsibility just as much as blizzards to keep the games integrity.

Fact is, players buy up gold, boost, and do gdkps to gear. The amount of resources it must drain to stop the very people who complain about it from doing this crap must be pretty significant.

Numbers always tell a better story of what people want than words, ya’ll buying up that gold, Blizzard just filling in a void that ya’ll seeking.

Real solution is, stop buying gold, stop doing gdkp, and stop doing mage boosts. But that won’t happen.

Anyway, I’d like my clone now please and thank you.


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Try not to generalize everyone under one category. I want people to play how they want. If you’re talking about your Shaman for Ally and Pally for Horde thread, I still don’t get how it’s “Classic+” nor making Vanilla “less garbage”, for you, as it’ll still be the same game with or without your suggestion.

Don’t let forum trolls get to you. They’re on every forum, including Retail. Welcome to forums!

That being said, I agree! BC Servers should exist.

I wasn’t against your Pally for Horde and Shaman for Alliance suggestion. I just don’t see how it’s “Classic+”/“less trash”, for you, and you snapped at me, for NO reason!

They’re already “ruined”, the moment they launched. I don’t expect it to get “better”. But GL to ya!

As I said in an earlier thread, I’m not worried. My cluster is so small that they could put it in the AH overnight (not that I would want them to) and it wouldnt sell.

IDK how you expect people to converse with you, if you keep being hostile like this. I’m actually on your side believe it or not.

No need to worry about me, though. My last day is today, anyway, so, you’ll have to deal with the naysayers, all by your lonesome!


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Im just scared for classic era. U cant trust Blizzard they r worse than the Legion and Old Gods. They r the biggest threat to Azeroth

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Why do people like you even pay a sub ? When the game is just trash and dog water you’d think you stop buying it but yet here you guys are EVERY month …

Biggest threat to azeroth is basement dwellers that have seizures anytime something changes.


ur literally a lvl 80 DK u play a different game.
I never left classic era, players should have an option to get away from INGAME STORE

These are anti classic changes… not small little ones


I too have played Era exclusively since the split and I hate to say it man but seeing the introduction of boosts and tokens into classic I don’t think Era will be safe(especially as it grows in popularity). Just enjoy it while you can.

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Lol first off. Who only plays one version of wow? A small group of your friends? 2nd no one forces you to use the shop. 3 rd if you hate blizzard so much why you keep paying them every month. One of those types that just constantly degrades and slams things while continuing to pay for each month. You must be really happy and a great person to be around let me tell you

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  1. I re-subbed two months ago and really enjoyed the role-playing and gameplay of hardcore classic. Retail is a pay-to-win nightmare, so only one version right there.
  2. I wouldn’t touch the pay-to-win (or pay-to-progress, if you will) shop. Its pathetic.
  3. I dont hate Blizzard. However, they demonstrably lie to their customers. They disrespect my intelligence. I dont think its profitable for anyone to support a company who doesnt respect you enough to be honest about the service and goods they supply.
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I play only one version of the game because the others are unfun and corrupted by microtransactions. Who wants to play an RPG that gives players an INSTANT lvl boost that skips all the content.

I wish I didnt hate Blizzard, but they have lied time and time again about Classic. They said no Instant lvl boost for Classic… then they did it… they said no Token… then they did it. What stopping them from implementing a cash shop on in their last TRUE VERSION of World of Warcraft.

I pay for only WoW Classic ERA that is why I pay them monthly. Blizzard hasnt corrupted Classic Azeroth with microtransactions…YET…


Tell me where they lied lol. Things can change for tons of reasons. Victim complex harder. Here’s the funny thing you claim it’s all pay to win but you can 100 percent not buy tokens or carries in every single version of wow. But you like to just complain so you throw out all this pay to win nonsense because it’s easier than accepting reality and realizing your just a spoiled entitled child. You love making a mountain out of a mole hill. And you love the abusive relationship you imagine your in. You aren’t going anywhere we all know that.

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If you are talking about classic era only what level boost do you get? What micro transactions do you deal with? Then why are you crying. You got some crystal ball? Quit being a baby and crying about things that haven’t even happened. And fyi no level boosts skip all the content. None. Any boost you buys just brings you up to that expansion start level. And with classic era being split into three different games it makes sense to have them for new players to play with friends. We get it you have no friends and can’t understand that concept. Microtransactions like cosmetics? Man really kills your gameplay huh. Token? That you literally aren’t forced to touch.

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See how you claim the only true version of wow is classic era. Says everything you need to know about you. Spoiled, entitled. Opinionated.